Home & Garden Tools Renting

Elegant Philippine Mahogany Wood

Philippine Mahogany is not a true mahogany, though beautiful with colors ranging from pale pink to reddish brown, it is a name that applies to many wood species from Southeast Asia. Though it is not nearly as strong or durable as true mahogany, this wood can hold up to 35-40lbs per cubic foot. Philippine mahogany is mainly used for plywood, furniture, boat decking, it is inexpensive and usually available. It is also used for cigar boxes, and interior designs, church panels, pews and exotic floorings.

There are other exotic specialty wood species from the Philippine areas used for custom millwork, marine work and furniture work, they are Meranti and Merbau. Because these woods are moderately durable but still sensitive to animal and shoe scratches these exotic woods make for exceptionally beautiful indoor furniture.  

Merbau is called Taal in the Philippines where the bark and leaves of this tree are used for medicines. The wood is very durable rating 1,925 on the Janka scale; it has a straight to wavy course texture, and insect resistant making it a great choice for flooring. The color goes from an orange brown when first cut to a deep red brown once exposed to air, it is difficult to stain, but with such a beautiful color why not just apply a neutral finish. Where to use this beautiful rich colored wood, well… since it is not as weather proof as other woods such as ipe you will want to keep it away from standing waters. Also, since it gives the feel of elegance you may want to use it in more classy or royal areas, like churches or homes with large dining halls. You want it to be used in an area that does not have a high traffic rate, as high heels and foot scuffs will leave damaging scratches. Also, no pets… unless you are great at keeping those nails short, this wood is prone to animal scratches, so I would say leave this beautiful and not too expensive wood to one of those areas you look at with beauty more than walk all over.

The Shorea trees produce a wood called light or dark red meranti, another Philippine wood. This tree grows in well drained solid and the tree produces medium to course textured wood with colors varying from purple brown to red brown. It is sensitive to insect attacks if not sealed and treated properly, and it is moderately durable. Meranti is used for general construction, veneers and boat building.

If you are looking for a beautiful rich colored exotic wood that is reasonable in price then ask about Philippine mahogany, Meranti or Merbau, all of these woods are an excellent choice for lots of your indoor wood projects.

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