Health & Medical Women's Health

Menopause - Milk is Not Good For Preventing Osteoporosis After Menopause

The famous "Got Milk?" advertisement tries to convince everybody that milk is Nature's perfect food, which is vital for babies and essential for menopause women at risk of osteoporosis.
A woman loses 5 percent of her bone mass per year in the first five years after menopause, and this loss tends to slow down afterward.
So menopause women have 5 years which is the critical time to reduce bone loss.
Menopause women drink milk everyday to meet calcium as well as protein needs.
Ironically, American menopause women drink much more milk than Eastern menopause women, but they have poorer bone health than Eastern women.
Therefore, milk is not a good calcium resource for menopause women.
In fact, milk may have many ominous health implications.
Conventional milk is produced by "sick" cows.
A wide range of chemicals are administered legally to dairy cows.
Cows now become pregnant much earlier in their lives.
Moreover, a synthetic hormone recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) is used to naturally force dairy cows to produce more and more milk.
The breasts of dairy cows are stimulated so much that they are almost falling down to the floor.
Dairy cows treated by rBST are prone to get infection diseases, so dairy farmers have to use antibiotics routinely on their cows.
Sadly, these dairy cows are not cows any more; they are milk machines! It is no surprise that these dairy cows have a much shorter lifespan than traditional dairy cows.
Conventional milk is processed in an unhealthy way.
In order to increase milk's shelf life in the supermarket, pasteurization and homogenization are routinely used.
Homogenization is designed to prevent the cream from separating by changing the size of butterfat particles.
However, homogenization makes milk more likely to build up in blood vessels and cause atherosclerosis, which leads to high rates of cardiovascular diseases.
Cow milk is too rich for human adults.
Basically, cow milk is a perfect food for a rapidly growing baby calf, which gains about 2 pounds everyday.
But that does not mean it is good for human adults.
Think this way: What happens if the chemicals designed to stimulated cell growth in baby calves send similar signals to women's breast tissue? You may think that milk is a pure white inert substance full of vitamins, minerals and proteins.
However, milk itself contains a powerful cocktail of hormones and hormone-like substances.
Milk is a powerful biochemical solution of great complexity.
Studies have found a positive correlation between dairy product consumption and breast cancer risk.
For example, a study in 1977 found a significant increase in both the consumption of dairy products and the occurrence of breast cancer in Japanese urban areas.
Also, milk is one of the most common causes of food allergies, and milk proteins have been implicated in case of eczema, asthma, and migraines.
Although calcium is found in many foods, you have been brainwashed to believe it is only in milk.
Fortunately, calcium is ubiquitous in food.
In fact, broccoli has about the same amount of calcium as milk, so do beets, let alone sardine.
Surprisingly, sea vegetables, such as kelp, contain about 5 times more calcium than milk.

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