Health & Medical Hearing

Motion Sickness Remedy


    • If you suffer from motion sickness and are worried about getting on a plane, train, boat or automobile, there are steps you can take to prevent motion sickness from developing or getting worse. According to the Mayo Clinic, medications such as meclizine, an antihistamine, or dimenhydrinate, the latter of which is commonly known as Dramamine, can be used to prevent motion sickness from occurring. They should be taken approximately one hour before the movement begins. The only major side effect is drowsiness.

      Long-term treatment of motion sickness comes in the form of a prescription patch containing scopolamine. It is placed behind the ear several hours before traveling, and once in place offers approximately 72 hours of motion sickness prevention. Although effective, you should warn your doctor if you have any health conditions, especially asthma or glaucoma.


    • According to the Mayo Clinic, there are a variety of ways to treat motion sickness. If it hits you before you have a chance to treat it, there are several way to help alleviate the symptoms. If you're on a boat, going onto the deck and staring at the horizon while keeping your head as still as possible can help. If you're in a car or train, sitting in the front seat or the front of the train and keeping your head as still as possible can help. If you have them handy, eating some soda crackers or drinking a carbonated beverage can help settle your stomach as well. In some instances, simply giving in and vomiting can make you feel almost instantly better. You should also be sure to avoid smoking or others who are smoking.

      Ginger, which comes in tablets, capsules, teas or liquid extracts, is considered an effective method of treating nausea. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, although ginger is effective at treating nausea in pregnancy, studies remain mixed concerning its effectiveness for treating nausea caused by motion or chemotherapy. Thankfully, the side effects of taking small doses of ginger are incredibly minimal, and therefore should be considered if you begin to experience the nausea associated with motion sickness. You should, however, discuss its use with your doctor beforehand.

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