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A Victory Over Evil

Today I celebrated it with so much fun fare
nice to be at home and to go nowhere
new beginning with victory over evil
beheading of monster or devil

It is a age old story and celebrated every year
crackers and bombs deafening the ears
it is stunning blow to a devilish forces
no one is expressing regrets and have any remorse

Anger,hatred and jealousy are known human enemy
the religious harmony is disturbed by many
they take over control under such situation
the enemy enjoy and fuel it with its continuation

The little reference is considered as religious blasphemy
the peace is deserted and all the faces look very gloomy
the hard work put on by years together goes in vain
the enemy is waiting for us to draw gun and train

The festivals are meant for celebrations
it must send peace and brotherhood as vibration
it has so much to do with complete harmony
it dos not look funny or phony

we have flowed so much innocent love
Though we are starving for the want of food
there prevails poverty and large scale hunger
where is scope to show any type of anger?

The festivals supplement the growing need
the poor need care and we must take steps to feed
the extravaganza should be diverted to their welfare
the celebration may then be enjoyed with fanfare

Peace and tolerance are two important key words
In every religion they are quoted as spoken by lords
we may call them God or Almighty
But we all need grace, blessings and amity

How good we feel when exchange the greetings?
how it looks as pride when attended by many in meetings?
it is not the show of strength but strong bond ship
How can we make the people to shed tears and weep?

It will be real curse on humanity and religion
if blood is shed for gaining the control on region
let peace message be spread by pigeons
Let thousands of balloon fly with simple message on

Every religion preaches the same message
God is one, message is one and ideal with one passage
no to any human crime and let others live with dignity
message to be spread,heard and enjoyed with its continuity

The strong force may survive
we may peacefully live and survive
the pain and agony may be relieved
The hidden message may be understood,respected and believed

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