Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Skin Warts Identification - A Critical Step in Proper Treatment

Most people get a skin wart at some point in their life.
They wonder what they are and why they got them.
Skin warts are considered gross by most people so people quickly get it treated as they do not want people to look down on them for having a wart.
Some people get warts once and that is it while others will get them on a more chronic basis.
There are multiple sites devoted to explaining what warts are and multiple books on skin care that would touch upon this subject.
Skin warts are caused by a body illness called Human papillomavirus (HPV).
Warts are basically a bump in the skin; there are different varieties of warts that are shaped differently.
Warts can be spread from one person to another but this is not always the case.
It is common for warts to be on hands, feet, and other parts of the body but it usually just is on one part of the body and even though it can spread from person to person it is unlikely warts would spread over the body to other regions.
The different type of warts may affect different parts of the body.
The typical wart that was described above affects hands, and feet, and other parts of the body.
Plantar warts are warts that only affect the feet and a certain part of the foot to be exact.
There are flat warts that are sometimes called plane warts these affect the head, legs, and other parts of the body, these ones come in large amounts.
The next type of wart is periungual which affect regions near the nails on fingers or toes.
The last type is filiform and it only affects the head occurring in one area of the head.
There are many wart remedy options but it is good to know that warts will sometimes go away with no treatment needed, but it may take a long period to get better.
It is also important to note that some treatment options are only temporary and the warts are may come back with some remedies.

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