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15 Minute Auto Insurance?

The latest trend in the auto insurance world these days is the “fifteen minutes” auto insurance topped off with low rates. In our busy, fast paced lives that fast low-budget concept makes entirely too much sense. It’s no wonder, considering the more important things in our every day like work, school, kids, and making ends meet in this economy take a front seat in our lives. That is until you actually have to interact with your insurance provider following a speeding ticket, fender-bender, stolen property or any number of our day-to-day risks and hassles. All of sudden, that “fifteen minutes” low rate tango doesn’t sound so sweet anymore. Now you’re stuck dealing with an impersonal insurance solution of insufficient coverage and more questions than you started with.

The problem with the seemingly perfect “fifteen minutes” auto insurance provider begins with just that. Fifteen minutes in any interaction is not sufficient time to form even a professional relationship where our personal interests or particular needs for an auto insurance are truly developed. Of course, who really wants a personal professional relationship with an insurance provider until things really do get personal. By that time, unfortunately it’s too late and the person your speaking with on the other line could know your situation and policy less and could honestly care less!

While low-rates are not a concept that is out-of-this world, it’s still possible to find an insurance agency that offers reasonable and affordable coverage without leaving you feeling insecure and half-covered. That of course would defeat the purpose of the word “insurance”. When you are unsure and insecure it’s no longer insurance.

For this reason, our Insurance should be both an experience of professional, personalized care and a secure coverage you understand. In this type of Insurance experience and relationship your questions are relevantly answered and when faced with that tricky situation you have someone on the other end that not only knows your payment record but has developed the ability to have compassion for your situation. A person that has developed compassion and complete understanding of the individual situation is more likely to take the time to find your best possible solution, in case of any occurrence.

So while the “fifteen minutes”, super low-rates gimmick seemingly makes perfect sense in the short term scheme of things, in the long run what we really need from an insurance provider is a personable, personalized, secure communication. After all When you are unsure and insecure it’s no longer really insurance.

Want to complete your 15 minutes? Visit us for more information Auto Insurance in Dallas

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