Health & Medical Women's Health

Why Yeast Infections Are Common Among Pregnant Women

If you're pregnant, don't assume that vaginal discharge equals a yeast infection. Let your doctor be the one to make a diagnosis, rather than trying to treat it yourself.

Add increased amounts of vaginal discharge to the list of physical changes that occur during pregnancy. The amount and type of discharge you have may increase because of hormonal changes and changes to your cervix. A thin, clear, or white discharge that has no odor, or is mild smelling, is normal.

However, vaginal discharge can also be a sign of a yeast infection.

Yeast Infection and Pregnancy: A Common Combination

"Yeast infections are more common in pregnancy," says Cynthia Krause, MD, an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City.

During pregnancy, women should discuss their symptoms with their doctor if:
  • Their vaginal discharge becomes yellow or green, or is white, thick, and curd-like.
  • The vaginal lips itch or burn.

Such changes could be a sign of vaginitis or a yeast infection. Usually, yeast causes a white discharge; if the discharge has a fishy smell it could be due to a condition called bacterial vaginosis.

Yeast Infection and Pregnancy: The Perfect Environment

A common cause of vaginal yeast infections in women is the fungus called Candida albicans. During pregnancy, "the micro environment of the vagina changes to some extent in response to the estrogen levels," explains Gregory R. Moore, MD, MPH, an obstetrician-gynecologist and director of the University Health Service at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

"Yeast likes warm, moist, airless environments. Being pregnant and wearing support hose or constrictive clothing can make the vaginal environment all the more warm, moist, and dark, encouraging yeast to grow," Dr. Moore says.

Yeast Infection and Pregnancy: Don't Make Assumptions

If a pregnant woman experiences unusual vaginal discharge during pregnancy, she should see her doctor to exclude bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted infections (STDs) rather than assume it is a yeast infection, Dr. Krause says. STDs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis, will not respond to treatments for vaginitis and can cause complications during the pregnancy.

The safest treatments for yeast infections during pregnancy are suppositories and vaginal creams. Pregnant women and women who are nursing should not take an oral prescription medication for yeast infections like Diflucan (fluconazole), as they have not been proven safe.

"There has not been adequate human pregnancy data to make a decision one way or another on the effect of oral anti-fungal medications on the fetus," Dr. Moore says.

While yeast infections generally don't put a pregnancy at risk, they can be very uncomfortable. If you think you have a vaginal yeast infection during pregnancy, it should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Yeast Infection and Pregnancy: Prevent Recurrence

Treatment generally takes between 7 and 10 days to clear the infection. In the meantime, you should also take precautions to help prevent the yeast infection from returning:
  • Keep the area around the vagina as dry and clean as possible.
  • Wear cotton rather than spandex or nylon underwear because cotton absorbs moisture better.
  • Do not wear tight hose, especially when it's hot.
  • Always wipe from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement.

The list of concerns that occupies a pregnant woman's mind is naturally long — dealing with a yeast infection shouldn't be on it. If you see the signs of a developing yeast infection, talk with your doctor. And remember, it's never a good idea to self-diagnose when you're expecting.

Discover The Permanent Cure for Yeast Infections Here ----

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