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Unusual Diets, or How to Loss Weight

Nowadays the theme of losing weight with the help of diets and physical exercises is one of the most discussed among women. To be fit and slim means to be beautiful and attractive for men. But simple chaotic refusing from sweets and rich fermented bread is not always culminated in becoming slender. If you loss some kilograms being on a strict diet you will very soon get back your usual form after returning to normal ration. To be slim in any time you should not only cut down on harmful high-calorie products, but also to different your diet with loss weight products rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins. The primitive advices below can help you to say "good bye'' to undesirable kilograms and not to meet them again.

First of all, doctors recommend adhering to a separate diet. It means that proteins and carbohydrates shouldn't be in the one plate. Digestion and assimilation of these products is not identical, and combining, for instance, potato with sneak you retard metabolism, which results in superfluous fat in your body. There is an original diet, named "Ten products", that guarantees losing from two up to five kilograms in ten days. The trick is that it doesn't deal with ten special loss weight products, it simply allows you to choose ten products you like and eat only one of them for a day. An amount of eaten up dishes is not pointed. For example, the first day is a day for tomatoes. You regale yourself with tomatoes as often as you want. Your portions are formed by you; there are no orders or restrictions. But that day you can't eat other products, even sauces, dressings for salads, salt or paper. Tea and coffee is also strictly forbidden. Only clear water. mineral water and, if it is a tomato day, tomato juices and drinks on the tomato base. The second day may be the day for eggs. You eat soft-boiled and high-boiled eggs, fried eggs, raw eggs and any dishes cooked from eggs you make up. Your fantasy is the best friend of you in cooking various dishes with the only ingredient. Remember that omelet or scrambled eggs are not for you on this diet: they include milk and organic oil. Secondly, medical researchers have proved the following: the reason of a strong appetite, peculiar to fat women, is the high rate of acidity in the stomach. The best diet for decreasing it up to normal factor is based on avoiding sour fruits and drinks and making one day in a week "a milk day". Milk, yogurt, boil fermented milk products and creams can normalize the micro flora of your stomach and abdomen. Besides, milk products are weight loss products by their nature, which is propitious for your organism and silhouette.

Then, it is interesting to know that even dishes with no weight loss products, like fruits and vegetables, can be effective if you're eating habits are depending on time and unchangeable for years. The brightest example is "The diet with lipids" by Yan Kvasnevsky. The dietitian from Poland tries to convince people of benefits of products rich in lipids. He insists on reducing an amount of consumed cellulose up to a slice of bread or one or two potatoes in a day. Eggs are a necessary component for this diet: according to Kvasnevsky, they are the main source of proteins. Dishes with lipids are allowed as often as you want. This strange ration for losing kilograms is not recognized by the majority of professional doctors and it doesn't guarantee quick results. It is not a diet, but the way of constant keeping fit and being in form. Doctors' common opinion that is almost unanimous is that it is better to taste high-calorie products in the morning and weight loss products in the evening. Don't forget to drink enough water: it is conductive to your tone and preserves your skin from premature aging. Be fit and slender, and you will attract attention!

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