What Foods Are Bad for High Blood Sugar?
- Carbohydrates are converted to glucose more quickly than lean meats and vegetables. This is because carbohydrates are basically made up of sugar and starch. This causes a problem for people with high blood sugar because their bodies lack adequate insulin production. Insulin delivers glucose to blood so that it can be absorbed by the cells. If insulin levels are inadequate, your body isn't absorbing the glucose that is in the blood. This causes your blood glucose levels to spike quickly then crash, leaving you feeling drained and weak.
- Avoid candy and desserts such as cookies or ice cream. These often contain trans or saturated fats that not only pack on the pounds but also cause blood glucose levels to rise because they have a high sugar content. People with high blood sugar have an abnormally high level of sugar in the blood as glucose isn't properly absorbed. When a person with high blood sugar eats excess sugar, the sugar is converted into glucose quickly and creates an additional spike of glucose in the blood. These foods also offer little nutritional value.
- Avoid foods that are high in sodium. Once again, these play tricks with your blood glucose levels and cause bloating. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, as these fats are converted to glucose quickly after consumption and cause blood sugar levels to rise.
- Avoid alcohol, non-diet sodas and most juices. These cause false energy spikes that are often due to large quantities of sugar. Your blood glucose or blood sugar level will skyrocket at the time of consumption and then rapidly decline, causing fatigue.