Business & Finance Credit

How to Raise a Credit Score by Yourself (Without Paying For Professional Credit Repair Again!)

Who else wants to learn how to raise their credit score by themselves? If you are anything like the vast majority of people who enjoy our credit and financial tips, the simple truth is that you're already pretty frustrated at the high price (and confusing advice) offered by most credit clinics and counselors.
As a matter of fact, in a recent study done for the United States Congress, there were MORE complaints about credit bureaus, non profit counseling centers AND repair clinics than all OTHER sorts of consumer complaints..
COMBINED! So why is there such high levels of misunderstanding when it comes to credit score restoration? It's actually quite simple.
And the hodge podge of special interests that have their hands in the pot! The truth? Credit counselors make money off of your bad credit.
even the non profit ones) Lenders profit from charging you higher rates for your bad credit.
Repair clinics and attorneys charge exorbitant rates to "fix" your bad credit.
And the credit reporting bureau's THEMSELVES make an absolute FORTUNE maintaining and reporting a file with your payment history..
ALL so that the banks, lenders and financial institutions can decide whether or not to extend you credit! You CAN Fix Your Credit Completely By Yourself..
And I've done it many a time..
both for myself, AND for friends and family.
The steps?
  1. Get a copy of your credit report and score.
  2. Learn to READ the Report (I.
    understand which items are BAD and which are not)
  3. Check your history for in-accurate information.
    you are entitled to 100% true and accurate reporting, and the SMALLEST in-accuracies are often grounds for removal)
  4. Challenge the negative items that are NOT 100% accurate by filing disputes on each
  5. Maintain records of all correspondence with the credit bureaus..
    and follow up diligently each time they respond.
The truth? It's really that easy...
and yes, you have to get a feel for doing it, to learn the little "tweaks" that improve your success rate with each dispute.
But NO..
you don't need to pay thousands of dollars for those "tweaks", and I've proven that over and over with my own credit.
(and trust me..
I'm NOT the smartest financial guy in the room by any stretch!) The Bottom Line..
You are entitled to a 100% accurate credit report.
The FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) guarantees you this right.
The ONLY way stuff comes OFF of your report (be it through your efforts or those of a pro) is through disputing negative entries as inaccurate.
You CAN do this yourself..
and you CAN begin today if you're ready!

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