Business & Finance Taxes

How to Earn Extra Money

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      Used college texts can fetch high books image by William Berry from

      Clean your house and sell what you find. There are many places to sell used college textbooks, vintage clothing, furniture and collectibles. You may not be sitting on a hidden treasure trove, but you can likely make a few dollars selling things you no longer want or need.

    • 2). Host home parties. Some companies, like Pampered Chef, are always looking for people willing to host home parties. There are many options to choose from as companies now use these parties to sell cookware, cosmetics, scrapbooking supplies and even adult novelties.

    • 3). Take pictures and sell them. Some stock libraries buy the rights to photographs outright, while others pay you a small fee every time your image is downloaded or used. Either way you can get paid for your work.

    • 4). Teach. If you are good at something, such as playing a musical instrument, cooking or swimming, take out an ad in the local paper offering to give lessons or tutor for a fee. Community centers sometimes need people to teach workshops as well.

    • 5). Rent out a room of your house. If you have extra space, turn it into extra cash by renting it to someone. You don't necessarily have to rent living space -- you could rent storage space instead, if you have a large garage or basement.

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      Nude modeling can be very lucrative.nude women image by Alexandr Shebanov from

      Pose nude at art schools. Although this job isn't for everyone, nude models can earn money by simply sitting in a classroom allowing art students to draw them.

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      Cab drivers can rent a cab and work as many or as few hours as they image by Dron from

      Become a taxi driver. In many cities, anyone with a driver's license and car insurance can rent a taxicab by the day or by the week. These companies allow you to find your own fares in addition to driving the ones sent to you by the cab company. This is a good way to make extra money because the cab rental is short term.

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