Health & Medical Mental Health

How Can I Feel Good All the Time? It is NOT a Silly Question!

The fact that life has its ups and downs and is often traversed by tragic events should never deter us from seeking a state of happiness which will allow us to live life to the full.
Yet, this happiness seems to elude many people and they are oppressed by depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts.
Look at the number of people on anti depressants and those suffering from anxiety disorders in America.
That is living proof that all is not well or even anywhere near it.
How can I feel good all the time is not a silly question.
It is merely stating a basic human right.
While we cannot stop certain tragic events in our lives, there are many things we can do to at least stem the seemingly relentless tide of negativity and sheer unhappiness.
How can I feel good all the time is often asked by people who never even think about even changing their diet.
They simply do not realize how food affects our mood! They will bite into junk or highly processed food and wonder where it all went wrong.
The fact is that some foods actually can block serotonin.
Serotonin is the brain chemical which can actually help us to be happy, create happier thoughts or instil self confidence and have a much more positive outlook on life.
It is also the neurotransmitter which controls to a certain extent our appetite and sex drive.
We can see then a very close link indeed with what we eat and how we face life and its events.
It is no coincidence that many of the antidepressants can raise serotonin levels artificially but at the same time, they play havoc with our appetite.
How many people do you know who are bipolar or depressed but also have a weight problem? The same people also spend an enormous amount of time trying to get help to feel good.
I can count quite a large number from my circle of acquaintances.
Here is a short list of foods that will tend to block serotonin so we should always ensure that these are in a minority when we go food shopping.
These are high protein foods which are low in fat.
The main ones are eggs, milk, some red meats, salmon, peas and apples.
Any foods which might lead to constipation can often result in a dumping of toxins in the liver and these too can affect our serotonin levels negatively.
What about the foods that can actually increase the levels of serotonin and will ensure that our mood is enhanced and that feelings of well being are never in short supply? Here they are:- Cottage cheese, yogurt, spinach, bananas, turkey, fruit and vegetables.
Now that you know that what you eat can actually affect your mood, why not find out what are the other factors which can affect your happiness.
Once you do that there will be no further need to ask the question, how can I feel good all the time, and you can get on with living life to the full!.

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