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In October 2005, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) ran a documentary which alleged that President George W. Bush (Bush) made certain claims of divine revelation concerning the United States actions in the middle east. He may well be practicing his act in hopes of joining the Blues Brothers after his retirement. Not unexpectedly White House spokesman Scott McClellan's response, on behalf of BUSH 43 was; "That's absurd. He's never made such comments". See article of 7 Oct 2005.

Regardless of the content of Bush's alleged statements, my immediate question was 'Did he really say that?'. Apparently the people inside Washington, D.C. never thought Bush made the statements. I say this because the majority of the buzz about the statements has been from Blogs and internet articles. So the fact that the Washingtonians never seriously believed Bush to have made divine statements, this alone is a big condemnation of Bush and his personal pastor.

To put it another way, the enemies of God have seen so little of Christ in Bush, that they by their silence concerning the alleged claims are in effect saying that "He's [Bush] is one of us. There is negligible condemnation of us in his presence". To which we can all say to his personal pastor, "Great job shepherd!"

So what were the alleged claims that Bush made? They are as follows:

1. I'm driven with a mission from God.
2. Go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.
3. Go and end the tyranny in Iraq.
4. Get the Palestinians a state, get Israel their security, and get peace in the middle east.

How does a Christian determine if Bush heard from God and made those statements? I will list the ten ways now and leave them to the reader to apply.

1. Do the statements agree with the Bible?
2. Do the statements glorify God, man, or Satan?
3. Does the Holy Spirit within you (if you are a Christian) bear witness to the truth of the statements?
4. What is the fruit of the Spirit in Bush's life?
5. Is Bush really in submission to the leadership of a pastor?
6. Who is the reported audience of Bush's statements? Hint: Muslim leaders of a muslim country.
7. Are the words predictive in nature? If so are their conditions to their fulfillment?
8. Are the words encouraging, edifying, or correcting?
9. Are the words a gospel message or a call to repentance?
10. God supposedly addressed Bush by his first name. This form of address implies a closeness of relationship such as Moses had. What evidence is their that such close relationship between God and Bush exists in reality?

Regardless of whether the BBC documentary is true or not, it does bring center stage the idea that even in 200, God can talk to humans. To learn more about this go to

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