Technology Networking & Internet

Effective performance through enhanced web hosting solutions

Business and most of the firms today are using their websites for promotion, spreading information about their products and for other uses. Either a server is owned or is hosted by a server hosting provider. Lots of web hosting service providers provide added services too so you need to check out what are the ones that will suit you.

Webhosting service: One may doubt whether to go for a webhosting service when there are free hosting services also available. Though there are many free hosting services, the ones like Motherhost internet solutions providing Web Hosting Chennai from amongst Web Hosting Services Chennai have much advantage. In web hosting, you can host your website directly at your own personal domain name compared to a free web hosting where normally you have a longer website address i.e. the url comes under the hosting providers name. Many times it happens that the free hosting services will advertise on your website whereas in web hosting this does not happen.

Web hosting enables you to choose the content on your website. Biggest advantage that Motherhost internet solutions' Web hosting services Chennai provides is the added disk space and bandwidth you get in terms of size, in comparison to free hosting services which offers limited size of disk space and bandwidth. Better sizeable disk space and bandwidth means greater amount of more file holding capacity, many visitors to the website and even the possibility of making it more attractive and interesting. Moreover with Web Hosting Chennai done by Motherhost internet solutions, the functionality of your website is also enhanced. You can also get your own email id which builds credibility about your organization and hence customers have greater trust and faith.

Linux VPS Hosting: VPS means Virtual Private Server and is a kind of virtual server on a server. By virtual it means that the server runs in the memory of the host computer and thus a host computer can have many virtual servers running on it. Normally a virtual hosting service is also known as a shared web hosting service because many websites share one web server connected to the internet. You should consider switching to Linux VPS Hosting only if you want to run packages that are not standard shared hosting yet, want a more flexible solution than shared hosting and you have still not decided to used a dedicated server hosting. Motherhost internet solutions provide Linux VPS Hosting Chennai.

Dedicated Server Hosting: Much more flexible than shared web hosting, a dedicated server hosting means that an entire server is leased by the client. As total control of the server lies with the client, it offers much security and high performance but the maintenance of the dedicated server has to be done by the client or organization also. Dedicated Server Hosting Chennai is also provided by Motherhost internet solutions.

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