Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Complete Information on Bronchiolitis Obliterans

Bronchiolitis obliterans is a rare and life-threatening form of fixed obstructive lung disease in which the bronchioles are plugged with granulation tissue. It is a common sequela of bone marrow, lung, and heart-lung transplantation, but can also occur as a complication of certain pulmonary infections, adverse drug reaction, toxic inhalation, and autoimmune disorders. Bronchiolitis obliterans may develop in the allograft lung through several means. In the usual proposed sequence the bronchioles of the lung have their submucosa infiltrated by a mononuclear cell population, primarily small round, small cleaved, and occasional large lymphoid cells.

These lymphocytes home to the basement membrane of the airways and migrate through the basement membrane into the overlying respiratory mucosa. There are four subtypes of Bronchiolitis obliterans first is cellular bronchiolitis second is bronchiolitis obliterans and last is bronchiolitis obliterans with intraluminal polyps (proliferative bronchiolitis obliterans). Bronchiolitis obliterans is sometimes confused in the public mind with bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP), a completely different pulmonary disorder. Bronchiolitis obliterans is a lung disease characterized by fixed airway obstruction.

The inflammation and the scab occurs in the lung airway, creates the breath the severe insufficiency and the drying cough. Some possible cause to include collagen blood vessel disease, the transplant rejection in the organ transplanting patient, the viral infection, the medicine responded, is immature the ambition and to the toxic smoke introduction complication, with the exposition, has: Diacetyl, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, chlorine, thionyl chloride, methyl alcohol isocyanate, hydrofluoride, hydrogen bromide, Hydrogen chloride, hydrogenation sulfur, oxychloride carbon, polyamide amine dye, with ozone.

Inhalants has many industrials who are known to cause some types of bronchiolitis, enclosed workers of the nylon-flock, the workers of the battery who are displayed to the emanations of chloride of thionyl and the workers that spray copies in textiles with polyamide-polyamide-amine dye other workers who spray copies in textiles with dyes of polyamide-polyamide-amine. It has much treatment to fight this circumstance. The severe cases require one frequent transplant of the lung. The evaluation of interventions to hinder obliterans bronchiolitis trusts it the advanced detection of abnormal results of spirometry.

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