Health & Medical Women's Health

Shed That Fat After Pregnancy

It is quite natural for new mothers to want to lose all the extra weight immediately after pregnancy.
However, this is where you need to practice extreme caution.
During pregnancy and after childbirth, your body faces a sea of changes.
Your primary focus after delivering your baby should be to help your body recover from the physical trauma of childbirth.
Be Patient: ideally, it would take a new mother anywhere between 6 to 8 months to get back to her pre pregnancy weight.
Although it is very obvious that you are anxious to shed that extra flab you gained during pregnancy, you should not hurry things up.
You should give your body enough time to recover.
Don't Cut Down those Calories: Crash dieting is a very bad idea for new mothers.
You need the calories and nutrients to regain your energy level and to help your body recover.
You and your baby need an extremely nutritious diet, especially after delivery.
This becomes even more important if you are breast feeding your baby.
To feed your baby, you ideally need to produce about 850 ml of breast milk every day.
Therefore, you need to increase your intake of calories by 500 per day.
You also need to follow a good regime of pregnancy diet and nutrition after delivery.
Instead of rushing to regain your pre pregnancy weight, you must regulate the intake of nutrients and calories.
You require all the energy to help your body recover and regain strength.
You must not be misled by the celebrity moms.
They have a huge team of dietitians, doctors and trainers to help them out; moreover they have their commercial commitments to meet.
Start Slowly and Gently: Consult your doctor before you begin any regular exercise after pregnancy.
However, you must not indulge in strenuous exercises as it may harm your body.
You must follow your doctor's advice strictly on the diet and exercise regime you want to follow.
Start Working Out: You would have gained about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy, lost 12 to 14 pounds immediately after the birth of your child.
That leaves you with 13 to 21 pounds to lose after delivery of your baby.
It would take you anywhere between 6 to 8 months to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
If you have gained above 35 pounds, it would require you another month to lose the entire 6 pounds that were gained extra.
You can start with regular exercises and controlled diet.
However, you should take care to eat a nutritious diet and not aim at losing more than a pound a week.
A healthy diet and regular exercise regime will see you get back in shape soon after pregnancy.

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