Worship of one God in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an! How far humans are they from this?
Worship of one God in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an! How far humans are they from this?
Human beings, that is the very few, are here to look for God, acknowledge Him, love Him, serve Him and worship Him.
How many of the human species does this?
From the Gog and Magog land to the NewZululand of America, passing by Hindustan, Russia of the Vikings, Africa of Kaddhafi and Mugabeland, Europe of Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel and Cameron of the royal blood, are all creatures of god, but odd creatures at that. They all forsake their God for their lust in this world. They think they are gos themselves for they decide the destiny of their peoples.
Very scary, and nausea giving, to see such little figures playing dominant role in the lives of millions, rather of billions!
Where is God, in such societies? Non existent! Where is the law of God in such states? No one mentions! What is God to these scums? The cause of their being, and of all the seven billions of wretched humans? Non existent!
Who applies God's Law? No body! Why should such scums apply God's law while they make their own laws? Why should God be central in their lives while they are gods themselves and they are the centre of the universe?
Who cares about God? Nobody! Perhaps the very isolated cases where individuals make personal efforts to believe in God, love Him, serve Him and worship Him.
After all, humans are provided with everything they need. Food, water, place to live and a life to live it up, make the best of it.
Does anybody study the Scriptures? The Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an? Very few, a handful fiddeles in few communities around the world today do this.
Man has replaced God as being the centre of the universe. Money has replaced God as the centre of men's lives, acquisitiveness, power, glory, fame and honors, all have a dominant share in peoples' lives.
Why should one billion and half of atheist Gog and Magog need God for? Why should nearly one billion of Hindus need God for? They have millions of gods to worship! Why should three hundred millions of atheist Buddhists need God for? They have Buddha to worship instead, Buddha himself who denied God and rejected Him!
Why should one billion and a half of devoted Christians need one God for? They have their Jesus Christ to worship, they even made of him a God!
Why should millions of atheists, whether decadent Marxists, agnostics, skeptics and materialists worship God. They are not in need of God! They find everything they need and want available on the earth market!
But it is all written in the scriptures. Humans are commanded to worship God and apply His law. Humans are commanded not apply but God's law. All humans, and inhumans, shall be summoned up on the day of reckoning to be held in account for what law they have applied in their wretched lives.
No exception is made, not even for a Zulu chief of the White House ( now stained with shame and massacre and world dominance over the creature of God), nor for the Jintao chief of the Gog and Magog, especially him as rejecter of God, letting applying His law in the communist republic of China. All the cockroaches in between who do not believe in God and certainly do not apply His law.
Look at what the Scriptures say! In the Torah we are informed, by the first Commandment:
'Then God instructed the people as follows: I am the Lord(Eternal) your God, who rescued you from slavery in Egypt. Do not worship any other gods besides me. Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish. You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the Lord (Eternal) your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their fathers to the third and fourth generations. But I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations.' Exodus 20: 1 to 6
Jesus Christ himself, when tempted by the Devil, for the third temptation, to leave the worship of God and prostrate before the Devil, refused and sent the Devil away:
‘Next the Devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and their glory. ‘I will gibe it all to you,' he said, ‘if you will only kneel down and worship me.' ‘Get away from here, Satan,' Jesus told him. ‘For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God, serve only him.' Then the Devil went away.' Matthew 4: 8 to 11
In the Qur'an we are informed of the same thing. Humans ought to worship only one God and not to associate anything in His worship:
‘And worship God, but do not associate anything with Him.' Qur'an 4: 36
Where are humans from these prescriptions? Very, very, far away!
Human beings, that is the very few, are here to look for God, acknowledge Him, love Him, serve Him and worship Him.
How many of the human species does this?
From the Gog and Magog land to the NewZululand of America, passing by Hindustan, Russia of the Vikings, Africa of Kaddhafi and Mugabeland, Europe of Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel and Cameron of the royal blood, are all creatures of god, but odd creatures at that. They all forsake their God for their lust in this world. They think they are gos themselves for they decide the destiny of their peoples.
Very scary, and nausea giving, to see such little figures playing dominant role in the lives of millions, rather of billions!
Where is God, in such societies? Non existent! Where is the law of God in such states? No one mentions! What is God to these scums? The cause of their being, and of all the seven billions of wretched humans? Non existent!
Who applies God's Law? No body! Why should such scums apply God's law while they make their own laws? Why should God be central in their lives while they are gods themselves and they are the centre of the universe?
Who cares about God? Nobody! Perhaps the very isolated cases where individuals make personal efforts to believe in God, love Him, serve Him and worship Him.
After all, humans are provided with everything they need. Food, water, place to live and a life to live it up, make the best of it.
Does anybody study the Scriptures? The Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an? Very few, a handful fiddeles in few communities around the world today do this.
Man has replaced God as being the centre of the universe. Money has replaced God as the centre of men's lives, acquisitiveness, power, glory, fame and honors, all have a dominant share in peoples' lives.
Why should one billion and half of atheist Gog and Magog need God for? Why should nearly one billion of Hindus need God for? They have millions of gods to worship! Why should three hundred millions of atheist Buddhists need God for? They have Buddha to worship instead, Buddha himself who denied God and rejected Him!
Why should one billion and a half of devoted Christians need one God for? They have their Jesus Christ to worship, they even made of him a God!
Why should millions of atheists, whether decadent Marxists, agnostics, skeptics and materialists worship God. They are not in need of God! They find everything they need and want available on the earth market!
But it is all written in the scriptures. Humans are commanded to worship God and apply His law. Humans are commanded not apply but God's law. All humans, and inhumans, shall be summoned up on the day of reckoning to be held in account for what law they have applied in their wretched lives.
No exception is made, not even for a Zulu chief of the White House ( now stained with shame and massacre and world dominance over the creature of God), nor for the Jintao chief of the Gog and Magog, especially him as rejecter of God, letting applying His law in the communist republic of China. All the cockroaches in between who do not believe in God and certainly do not apply His law.
Look at what the Scriptures say! In the Torah we are informed, by the first Commandment:
'Then God instructed the people as follows: I am the Lord(Eternal) your God, who rescued you from slavery in Egypt. Do not worship any other gods besides me. Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish. You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the Lord (Eternal) your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their fathers to the third and fourth generations. But I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations.' Exodus 20: 1 to 6
Jesus Christ himself, when tempted by the Devil, for the third temptation, to leave the worship of God and prostrate before the Devil, refused and sent the Devil away:
‘Next the Devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and their glory. ‘I will gibe it all to you,' he said, ‘if you will only kneel down and worship me.' ‘Get away from here, Satan,' Jesus told him. ‘For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God, serve only him.' Then the Devil went away.' Matthew 4: 8 to 11
In the Qur'an we are informed of the same thing. Humans ought to worship only one God and not to associate anything in His worship:
‘And worship God, but do not associate anything with Him.' Qur'an 4: 36
Where are humans from these prescriptions? Very, very, far away!