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How to Make Wax Candles - Secrets From Home the Easy Way

Do you want to learn how to make wax candles? Are you looking for something new to do this coming weekend? If you are getting tired of drawing or baking cookies, then why don't you try candle making instead.
Basic skills are usually needed in learning how to make wax candles.
You do not need to be an outright expert.
All you need are tools, materials and instructions to work with.
If candle making is indeed your interest, why don't you try making palm wax candles? Palm wax candles are products made of palm oil.
As compared to other wax types, palm oil is organic and natural.
Since palm oil has been used in soap making, it is no surprise to learn that such base can also be used in making candles.
Besides, the property inherent in palm oil is what makes soaps naturally firm, which is why it is also ideal as raw material for candles.
Knowing how to make wax candles starts with the following tips.
You will need palm wax, molds, double boiler, wicks and thermometer.
You have to heat the wax until it melts.
Wait until the temperature sets at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Remove the melted wax and prepare your molds.
It is also advisable to use metal containers as mold for your palm wax candles.
You have to remember that palm wax is a type of crystalline wax.
Meaning, you have a number of possibilities in terms of candle design.
Results vary when one is using palm wax.
In fact, you can refer to online sources or suppliers for additional information regarding the possible effects of using palm wax.
While learning how to make wax candles brings us to color and possible candle designs, it is best to realize that adding particular fragrances to your mixture adds value to your finished products.
It is also recommended to use oils, dyes or fragrances that work best with your chosen wax.
As for palm wax candles, the most popular coloring mediums are those that emit natural colors and earth tones namely cream and brown.
With regards to scents, the most ideal would be flower-scented oils or fragrance.
By giving in to the above-mentioned tips, learning how to make wax candles is no longer an impossible feat.
You are no longer tied to pastries and cookies as mere hobbies.
Once you mastered these tricks, you will soon find a list of benefits and possible rewards awaiting candle makers.
In the end, you will be able to send homemade candles as gifts.

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