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How to Report Auto Accidents

    • 1). Put safety first. In a car crash, your safety, as well as that of others, always comes first. Check to see if anyone is hurt, and if so, call for emergency medical assistance. If you don't have a cellphone, check with the other driver, witnesses or bystanders to see if they might have a phone. If you can safely do so, move your vehicle out of the way of traffic. This helps prevent a second crash, which might be worse than the first, reports

    • 2). Exchange information. Once you have made sure everyone is OK, exchange information with the other driver. Give the other driver your name, the name of your insurance provider, your policy number, and your insurance agent's name. Get the same information from the other driver. If the other driver leaves the scene, try to write down the plate number and make and model of the vehicle.

    • 3). Call the police. If you have called an ambulance, a police officer will usually be first to the scene. Even if you were not hurt, it's always a good idea to call the police after a crash. If you were not at fault, a police report is one of the best pieces of evidence you can use to prove it, according to attorney Joseph Matthews, a writer for

    • 4). File your own accident report. If police were called, the officer's report is the official accident report. reports that police sometimes will not respond to minor crashes unless someone is injured. If police do not respond to your crash, you'll need to file a report yourself. You should file the report in the jurisdiction where the accident occurred. In some areas, you can download a report from your local DMV's website. Fill it out and take it to police headquarters.

    • 5). Follow up. You need a copy of the accident report. Even if you were at fault, you can use the report to prove that you did not do more damage than you actually did. If you filled out a report yourself, photocopy it before turning it in. If a police officer filed the report, you may need to pay a small fee to get a copy. Save the receipt; you can ask your insurance company to reimburse the cost.

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