Health & Medical Health & Medical Insurance

How to Find Health Insurance Coverage

    • 1). Compare individual coverage with group rates. Contact any health insurance office in your state and request a quote for health insurance. Some states, like New York, use community rating, so the rates will be based on the county you live in. For employer group rates, request information on the health insurance plans your employer provides for employees through a group health plan.

    • 2). Get the summary sheet for your health insurance plans from the insurance company or from your employer if you decide to purchase group health insurance. The summary will tell you what the health insurance covers and what it does not cover, the co-pays if any, and what hospitalization costs if you ever need it.

    • 3). Get the required enrollment form from your employer or from the insurance company if you are buying an individual policy.

    • 4). Fill out the enrollment forms with your personal information and turn the form in with the first month's premium. Normally, your employer will have the option for you to have the insurance deducted right from your paycheck.

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