Technology Networking & Internet

Wireless Convenience Vs. Wireless Security

    Pros of Convenience

    • Dozens of devices in your household can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi: gaming consoles and handhelds, smartphones, MP3 players, computers, Blu-ray players and even certain kitchen appliances use the Internet for increased usability. When you have tons of devices that need to be configured, a basic connection is faster to set up. Additionally, if you have frequent visitors who need to connect to your network, an open network doesn't require you to hand out your password on a regular basis and makes it easier for users to connect.

    Risks of Unsecure Wi-Fi

    • In the long run your unsecured network invites a lot more trouble than it does convenience. Any user within the range of your wireless network -- which is about 150 to 300 feet depending on your router -- can connect to your Wi-Fi and access any data being transmitted over that network. You run the risk of unauthorized users discovering your account names, passwords and even credit card numbers used on your network. Also, you can encounter legal trouble if illegal material is accessed by unauthorized users on your Internet.

    Security Methods

    • The most common methods of securing your Wi-Fi are WPA, WPA2 or WEP encryption. You can also use a MAC filter and set your network so it does not broadcast. All these features available on a standard wireless router. WPA and WEE both require a password to give the user access to your network. MAC filtering ensures that only devices with their MAC address on your router's white-list are allowed to your join your network. When you set your network not to broadcast, it is essentially hidden from people who don't already know about it, because the network's name is not displayed on devices that scan for nearby wireless networks. Users who know the SSID (name) and password can connect to the network.

    Finding a Middle Ground

    • If you absolutely must use an unsecured Wi-Fi network, try to implement measures that ensure basic data security. Do not access any sensitive data on an unsecured network if you can avoid it. Change your default router name to something that doesn't identify your home or person. Hide your unsecured network from unauthorized users and hackers by setting it to not broadcast A MAC filter allows you to connect all your devices, as all wireless devices have a unique MAC address associated with them. While these measures will not make your network impervious, it does offer minor protection.

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