Hemorrhoids: They Are Embarrassing
Talk about a pain in the backside! Hemorrhoids have been around as long as man has.
Ancient writings refer to them as "emrods".
Estimates indicate that at one time or another during a lifespan, hemorrhoids, often called "piles" afflict at least half of all people, to one extent or another.
If you've ever even heard of hemorrhoids, you know that they cause pain and bleeding and itching and burning and...
embarrassment? Why on earth would they cause embarrassment? It's amazing how many people don't even seek help because of the nature of their disorder.
They'd rather just grin (or not) and bear them.
Let me tell you some of the things I've heard: They're 'down there'...
how humiliating"! There's something about the private parts of human anatomy that causes many people to cringe at even discussing hemorrhoids.
They're so 'unmanly' (or 'unladylike')!" How could such a little thing like a bulge, which half the time you can't even see, take you down? They're gross!" The intestines are complex and wonderful, but, they excrete unpleasant stuff! Who even wants to talk about it? I'd rather just stay home than explain why I can't sit still.
" Hemorrhoids hurt and itch".
Sometimes you just want to "get off of them".
Sometimes I have mucus or seepage...
what if it shows?" I take more than my share of time in the bathroom...
but I just can't get it out.
" I'm too embarrassed to explain why I avoid many foods...
I usually just say I'm allergic".
I'm not about to go to the doctor and stick my bare rear end in the air while he pokes around".
Well, I could go on and on, but you get the idea...
reasonable or not, hemorrhoids do cause a sense of shame for some people.
Besides all of the pain and discomfort, doesn't it sound like the embarrassment factor alone is enough reason to get rid of them? There are many things you can do at home.
Let's start with the basics: Add whole wheat breads and cereals, and fruits and vegetables to your diet for fiber.
A bowl of bran cereal, a slice of good bread, a baked potato, an apple...
these are easy additions to your daily intake and they can most certainly take the edge off your hemorrhoids! Shed a few pounds.
That's easier said than done many times, but even a few pounds can reduce the pressure inside your abdomen that causes your rectal veins to swell and rupture.
Cut down on the pastry, and the candy, and the beer and soda.
At some point you'll notice improvement.
(If not, it's probably time to go to the next level of treatment with your doctor.
) Sit in warm water.
Soaking your buttocks in a pan or tub of warm water is an age-old comfort measure for hemorrhoids.
It reduces the swelling and itching and also does a good job of getting discharge and fecal material out of the cracks and crevices in your external hemorrhoids.
Creams and ointments are sold OTC (over the counter) to relieve the symptoms of itching.
Ask the pharmacist to recommend one (or, if you're too embarrassed, just read the label...
they're in the laxative department.
And, speaking of laxatives, avoid them.
They are harsh and abrasive.
If your stool is hard, use a stool softener).
These measures are the first line of defense for "piles".
They're sure to help unless your hemorrhoids are unduly painful or bleeding excessively which means you'd better see the doc...
whether you want to or not.
You may have something more serious going on.
Until next time!
Ancient writings refer to them as "emrods".
Estimates indicate that at one time or another during a lifespan, hemorrhoids, often called "piles" afflict at least half of all people, to one extent or another.
If you've ever even heard of hemorrhoids, you know that they cause pain and bleeding and itching and burning and...
embarrassment? Why on earth would they cause embarrassment? It's amazing how many people don't even seek help because of the nature of their disorder.
They'd rather just grin (or not) and bear them.
Let me tell you some of the things I've heard: They're 'down there'...
how humiliating"! There's something about the private parts of human anatomy that causes many people to cringe at even discussing hemorrhoids.
They're so 'unmanly' (or 'unladylike')!" How could such a little thing like a bulge, which half the time you can't even see, take you down? They're gross!" The intestines are complex and wonderful, but, they excrete unpleasant stuff! Who even wants to talk about it? I'd rather just stay home than explain why I can't sit still.
" Hemorrhoids hurt and itch".
Sometimes you just want to "get off of them".
Sometimes I have mucus or seepage...
what if it shows?" I take more than my share of time in the bathroom...
but I just can't get it out.
" I'm too embarrassed to explain why I avoid many foods...
I usually just say I'm allergic".
I'm not about to go to the doctor and stick my bare rear end in the air while he pokes around".
Well, I could go on and on, but you get the idea...
reasonable or not, hemorrhoids do cause a sense of shame for some people.
Besides all of the pain and discomfort, doesn't it sound like the embarrassment factor alone is enough reason to get rid of them? There are many things you can do at home.
Let's start with the basics: Add whole wheat breads and cereals, and fruits and vegetables to your diet for fiber.
A bowl of bran cereal, a slice of good bread, a baked potato, an apple...
these are easy additions to your daily intake and they can most certainly take the edge off your hemorrhoids! Shed a few pounds.
That's easier said than done many times, but even a few pounds can reduce the pressure inside your abdomen that causes your rectal veins to swell and rupture.
Cut down on the pastry, and the candy, and the beer and soda.
At some point you'll notice improvement.
(If not, it's probably time to go to the next level of treatment with your doctor.
) Sit in warm water.
Soaking your buttocks in a pan or tub of warm water is an age-old comfort measure for hemorrhoids.
It reduces the swelling and itching and also does a good job of getting discharge and fecal material out of the cracks and crevices in your external hemorrhoids.
Creams and ointments are sold OTC (over the counter) to relieve the symptoms of itching.
Ask the pharmacist to recommend one (or, if you're too embarrassed, just read the label...
they're in the laxative department.
And, speaking of laxatives, avoid them.
They are harsh and abrasive.
If your stool is hard, use a stool softener).
These measures are the first line of defense for "piles".
They're sure to help unless your hemorrhoids are unduly painful or bleeding excessively which means you'd better see the doc...
whether you want to or not.
You may have something more serious going on.
Until next time!