Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Jenny Craig Diet - Pros and Cons - Fatal Flaw Design?

The Jenny Craig Diet has been popular for years.
With the Kirstie Alley weight loss marketing campaign showing her losing about 75 pounds...
the Jenny Craig program had a sort of revival.
I'll let you know what's really up with this program.
It works...
but, I'll show you the pros and cons as well as document what could be a fatal flaw that will sabotage your weight loss if you choose to go on this diet.
So let's get started.
First, yes, the diet does work.
But wait.
The truth is, almost any diet can work for a period of time.
As proof, their spokeswoman Kirstie Alley has lost about 75 pounds and kept it off for almost 3 years.
So not only does it work, you can lose a lot of weight on it.
So, here are some of the pros:
  • Great support at the Jenny Craig centers
  • Balanced meals
  • Individualized meals
Now, some of the cons:
  • Prepackaged meals (ie.
    processed meals)
  • Calorie-based diet (no flexibility on caloric intake)
  • Expensive ($100-125 a week on average)
But wait.
I think there's a fatal flaw in the program.
That flaw is the food itself.
Most people on the program seem to get really hungry soon after eating the meals.
That's where you can cheat the diet and sabotage your success.
So what do I think about all this? Here's the deal...
if you have no discipline to cook, are too busy to cook, and or need strong support to succeed...
then yes, I believe it may be worthwhile for you to try out Jenny Craig (if you can afford it) to lose weight.
That being said...
for me personally...
I'd rather you eat scrambled eggs, black beans, lentil soup, any and all types of vegetables except potatoes, and some lean meats.
That would be much more healthy and preferable in the long run since the foods I listed are natural unprocessed foods.
But, if you need a kickstart to lose some weight, I wouldn't cross out Jenny Craig.
Maybe you need the structure and support.

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