Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Indigestion Symptoms and Treatment

As humans living in a modern fast-paced world, we are daily bombarded by toxins and free radicals.
Both emotional and physical stress factors have significantly caused major impacts on our general health.
It is undeniable that there are millions of people around the world caught in a 'busy trap'.
Can you still remember the last time you had a heartfelt breakfast? Indigestion symptoms usually account for a lot of factors and one included in this is skipping meals, especially breakfast.
Fast foods have become the usual trend nowadays for a lot of busy people who have less time to cook.
Hardly noteworthy, but it contributes to problems of indigestion.
Many people are suffering the so - called 'indigestion' problem due to poor eating habits, alcohol drinking, stress and anxiety and cigarette smoking.
Did you know that skipping a meal delays metabolism and increases acidity in our stomach.
Food is important in producing enzymes vital for metabolism.
Keeping the stomach empty will only decrease enzymes that are necessary for proper digestion.
Processed and high fatty foods are rich in preservatives that are not easily digested leaving a residue in our intestines that cover the mucous membrane.
Later, becoming a hard material that blocks nutrient absorption causing vitamin deficiency, slow metabolism and low energy.
Pregnant women are also prone to indigestion symptoms due to high levels of the female hormones, namely progesterone and estrogen.
These two hormones relaxes the sphincter.
Indigestion symptoms may usually go unnoticed until it gets worse.
Initially, the discomfort is felt at the upper abdominal area.
A person who experiences indigestion may have decrease appetite, heartburn (due to acidity), flatulence or gas pains in the stomach.
It is important to consult your doctor if symptoms persist before it gets worse.
There are many positive ways to deal with indigestion.
Listed below are some simple but helpful tips on how to get rid of this problem: * Eat a healthy diet.
Consume foods rich in fiber and adapt a low cholesterol diet plan.
*Cut down on smoking and alcohol drinking *Eat breakfast regularly and eat on time (never skip mealtime) *Lessen intake of fatty foods, tea, caffeinated beverages and spicy foods *Do not lie down immediately after eating (rest for 2 hours to allow proper digestion) *Reduce stress to a minimum *Avoid eating large meal in just one sitting *Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables *If indigestion happens, drink grapefruit juice because it calms the stomach and aids in normal digestion You can also use internal cleansing products with varied formulations of vitamins, minerals and herbs to help with proper digestion and elimination of waste build up in the stomach.
Natural cleansing products helps in breaking down the hardened fecal build up that has occurred over time.

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