Technology Networking & Internet

SEO Techniques – Never Do These

Low Quality Content and Ads Filled Sites Google Panda updates rotate around thin content sites that provide fewer articles and more ads for their users. 2013 is said to be the year of high quality content-packed sites. With great content, you won't be forced to excessively optimize your page, which is another issue that might trigger Google to give you a warning.

What does quality mean?
Google has their meaning. Pro bloggers have theirs. I would say that quality content  is first of all information that helps the user get things done in their life, or business, faster, better or easier than before.

Link Schemes and Black Hat Techniques Google Penguin updates go next to sites not remaining by Google's Webmaster Guidelines. They scowl at black-hat methods counting but not limited to clocking, keyword stuffing, duplicate content (having the same page identically appear on multiple domains which you own or control), or obvious linking schemes.

A recent example would be the Interflora punishment. Their "advertorial" marketing move toward was caught by Google. How they function was simple: they paid other people to write reviews and post them on other (non relevant) sites, in hopes that they would boost their Google rankings and search engine dominance. Matt Cutts, recently, sent his group a Twitter prompt, emphasizing the fact that Google's guidelines on remunerated links passing PageRank (PR) apply to "advertorials" as well.

Back-Linking Networks and Guest Posting
LinkVana and other alike networks have been hit hard by Google. And that's well understood. Imagine you've been functioning hard, for the last few years, building a good linking profile, remaining by Google rules, writing good content, and attracting quality links, as expected.  

The loom in general is not good or bad. It depends on how you use it. If you guest post with the single aim to increase your rankings, then Google will stalk you down, and physically or mechanically penalize your site. And there you go again, you'll have to start all over again, from graze.

Be smart, have tolerance, and farm out (wisely) your content marketing. It's time we refurbish our game, and be friends with Google, or they can simply scatter out our web sites from the SERPs. If you really want to get a penalized website site back on the radar, learn how to clone your old domain (and remove the criminal domain hosting account) to a new domain. However, look for to build new natural links and learn from past mistakes… In no time, you'll be ranking again. But remember, company first – search engines second!

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