Health & Medical Men's Health

Stopping Your Premature Ejaculation - What You Need to Know

It can be very embarrassing not to satisfy your partner in bed because you ejaculate too early leaving both of you disappointed.
Most men occasionally experience ejaculating too soon but if this is a regular scenario in your sexual intercourse, then you have a sexual dysfunction called PE or premature ejaculation.
Stopping your premature ejaculation can be very frustrating but with patience and practice you can beat your sexual dysfunction.
PE is a common sexual dysfunction that affects millions of men and this is a very sensitive topic that most men with this problem do not want to discuss.
It is hard for men to talk about it but this should not be the case because this problem is treatable and if more men are willing to talk about it and seek help, it would be easier to stop this problem.
Stopping your premature ejaculation is not impossible because there are effective ways to get rid of PE to last longer in bed.
If PE is making your sex life miserable, one important thing in stopping your premature ejaculation is to accept that you have a sexual dysfunction and you need help.
You will discover that you are not alone and millions of men are suffering from this problem.
In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that men cannot handle the sudden jolt of sensation and ejaculate too soon.
Psychotherapy can be very helpful in stopping your premature ejaculation.
Talking with a therapist or a mental health provider can help you in controlling your ejaculation.
You will learn how to cope with stress and anxiety which are two factors that affects the occurrence of PE.
It will be helpful to experiment on different sex position to know which position gives you the intense sensation and which sex position gives you more control on your ejaculation.
If you want to last in bed, avoid the position that will encourage early ejaculation and explore on the position that will give you better control.
Creams and medications can also help you in stopping your premature ejaculation but of course you have to be aware that they have their side effects like reduced genital sensitivity that makes sex less pleasurable that is why some men are looking for natural remedies.

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