Want to Add Formatting to an Email in OS X Mail? Here"s How
Who, when they grow up, wants to be plain? Do you think a small letter, say an 's', has this ambition instead of—being rich?
In OS X Mail, you can help any letter and number and punctiation mark grow up and in size; you can make it rich, too, with formatting. Your letters and words can be bold or italicized; they can also grow to be tiny, of course, an clutch an underline.
Rich formatting offers even more for new emails and replies as well, of course, in OS X Mail.
You can insert images inline, for example,
Send an Email Using Rich Text Formatting in OS X Mail
To create a new email message (or reply) with rich formatting in OS X Mail:
- Make sure the input focus is on the email message to which you want to add rich formatting in OS X Mail.
- Select Format | Make Rich Text from the menu.
- If the only available choice in the Format menu is Make Plain Text, the message is already set up for rich formatting.
- You can also press Command-Shift-T instead of using the menu; note that this will enable as well as disable rich editing mode (when it is currently on).
(Updated March 2015, tested with OS X Mail 8)