How To Promote My Large Business
In this article I will try to compare PPC advertising with SEO.
SEO is where you try to promote your website by getting it to rank highly in the search engines (Yahoo, Google, etc.). You try to build the amount of back links so that you can get lots of people to find your product through search engine searches.
With very little effort, textual adverts are placed (sometimes with other companies) on other websites that get regular traffic. Providing the person who sees and clicks on your links stays for longer than ten seconds, the site they cam from gets paid from your account as a thank you. The only way this system works is by placing adverts on sites that have content relevant to what you are advertising, otherwise it would be a complete waste of time and money. For many people the benefit of only paying when the service is used i.e. when someone actually visits your site cannot be underestimated.
Unlike regular advertising which you pay for whether someone takes any notice or not, this way you pay for what gets used. In the early days it was often said that a competitor would try to deplete their competitors advertising budget by clicking on their link until they used it up but this rarely happens these days. From a business viewpoint, pay per click marketing is extremely effective at targeting the exact market the business wants. Your ad will only show up on sites where people are already interested in something related to what you are offering.
Benefits of SEO:
1) They're Looking to Buy Your Product - If someone does a Google, or Yahoo Search for your product, chances are they are looking to buy your product, or service. Or they are considering buying it. This means that you will get many more sales than you would with PPC advertising.
2) Appears to be a Good Product - If your website appears highly on the search engines, it will look like your product is very good. People will only link back to you if they like your product, or they think that your website is helpful in some way. If your website is ranked highly in the Search Engines it will appear that many other people like your product.
3) More Permanent - With PPC you get ads temporarily. However with SEO, your website will last months or even a few years after your marketing efforts have already completely ended.
PPC advertising is where you pay other websites to get clicks to your site. You will pay a certain amount per click, and then you will pay for a certain amount of clicks. Then they will deliver that many page views to your website.
PPC Benefits:
1) Quick Results - When you buy PPC advertising, you will get results almost immediately. You will start to see page views comming in probably the same day.
2) CPM Testing - When you purchase clicks to your website through PPC advertising, you can figure out exactly how much money you are making per thousand page views (your CPM). From there you can purchase clicks to your website knowing exactly how much to pay, to make sure that you are still making a profit.
3) Easy Calculations - When you use PPC advertising you can easily calculate exactly how many page views your website will get. You will be able to get statistical data which you can use to research, and test out your websites profitablilty. You can then better figure out how your website performs, and how you can optimize it to make more money.
SEO is good for people looking to create longer lasting results. While PPC is better for those people that like statistical data, and are looking to create a consistant ROI (Return On Investment).
SEO is where you try to promote your website by getting it to rank highly in the search engines (Yahoo, Google, etc.). You try to build the amount of back links so that you can get lots of people to find your product through search engine searches.
With very little effort, textual adverts are placed (sometimes with other companies) on other websites that get regular traffic. Providing the person who sees and clicks on your links stays for longer than ten seconds, the site they cam from gets paid from your account as a thank you. The only way this system works is by placing adverts on sites that have content relevant to what you are advertising, otherwise it would be a complete waste of time and money. For many people the benefit of only paying when the service is used i.e. when someone actually visits your site cannot be underestimated.
Unlike regular advertising which you pay for whether someone takes any notice or not, this way you pay for what gets used. In the early days it was often said that a competitor would try to deplete their competitors advertising budget by clicking on their link until they used it up but this rarely happens these days. From a business viewpoint, pay per click marketing is extremely effective at targeting the exact market the business wants. Your ad will only show up on sites where people are already interested in something related to what you are offering.
Benefits of SEO:
1) They're Looking to Buy Your Product - If someone does a Google, or Yahoo Search for your product, chances are they are looking to buy your product, or service. Or they are considering buying it. This means that you will get many more sales than you would with PPC advertising.
2) Appears to be a Good Product - If your website appears highly on the search engines, it will look like your product is very good. People will only link back to you if they like your product, or they think that your website is helpful in some way. If your website is ranked highly in the Search Engines it will appear that many other people like your product.
3) More Permanent - With PPC you get ads temporarily. However with SEO, your website will last months or even a few years after your marketing efforts have already completely ended.
PPC advertising is where you pay other websites to get clicks to your site. You will pay a certain amount per click, and then you will pay for a certain amount of clicks. Then they will deliver that many page views to your website.
PPC Benefits:
1) Quick Results - When you buy PPC advertising, you will get results almost immediately. You will start to see page views comming in probably the same day.
2) CPM Testing - When you purchase clicks to your website through PPC advertising, you can figure out exactly how much money you are making per thousand page views (your CPM). From there you can purchase clicks to your website knowing exactly how much to pay, to make sure that you are still making a profit.
3) Easy Calculations - When you use PPC advertising you can easily calculate exactly how many page views your website will get. You will be able to get statistical data which you can use to research, and test out your websites profitablilty. You can then better figure out how your website performs, and how you can optimize it to make more money.
SEO is good for people looking to create longer lasting results. While PPC is better for those people that like statistical data, and are looking to create a consistant ROI (Return On Investment).