Business & Finance Credit

How to Finance a Sony Vaio Laptop With Bad Credit

    • 1). Determine which model of laptop suits your needs. Sony Vaios come in a variety of sizes and configurations to accommodate both casual and professional users. Cut out extraneous features to save money. You do not need a state-of-the-art graphics processor if you are not using powerful software. Price the computer based on your desired specifications to estimate how much it will cost. Consider purchasing a used Vaio to save money.

    • 2). Create a loan report detailing exactly how much you will need for the laptop. Lay out a loan repayment plan detailing how long it will take you to repay the loan (as well as how you plan on financing the payments). Begin saving your money to offset the amount you will need to borrow.

    • 3). Ask your friends and family if they can help finance your loan by lending you money for your down payment. Find a cosigner with good credit to put their name on the loan agreement. Banks are typically wary of lending money to sub-prime applicants without some sort of backing. Try credit unions or lending institutions that specialize in microfinancing solutions and small loans.

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