How to Market your Construction Company to Clients
In our previous article we discussed starting your business and many of the legal and technical aspects, now that we've created a construction business we have to monetize it. This process begins with Marketing your company. In order to attract attention you might want to join some local chambers or organizations related to the construction industry. Furthermore you'll likely want to take advantage of Internet marketing. Depending on your specific niche internet marketing could be crucial and cost effective in attracting new clients to your business. Your company specific marketing strategy will depend great greatly on the perspective client you wish to attract. For example a residential company will likely be able to use Facebook or Google adwords to generate revenue however, a company geared more towards corporate executives may have to use other channels to reach their clients. Once you've established your marketing techniques and begun attracting the right clientele your next step is to sell your clients your services. Some things you might want to consider while developing your sales process are: what areas does your company excel in? what makes your company better than the other competing companies? You may also want to try to minimize your weaknesses. Another crucial element to developing the sales process is learning how to write proposals; proposals will be aimed at selling your services to clients. The next step after you acquire a sale is to fulfill the order. Fulfilling the order will almost always require labor. There are several types of labor and you should familiarize yourself with all three and determine which source will best fulfill your companies needs. The first type is direct hire, this is the most straightforward type of labor and involves your company hiring new employees and then paying them weekly and having them on staff. Another indirect source of labor is obtained through subcontractors, subcontractors typically specialize in a smaller portion of a larger job. For example an electrician will be a subcontractor on a larger job that involves renovating an entire house. Subcontractors are often more efficient than direct hires because they specialize in very specific aspects of the project as opposed to having to be multidimensional. The final type of labor is known as broker labor, broker labor is somewhat different, because you pay one person a set amount for them to furnish their skills as needed. In some ways it's almost like hiring a freelance Carpenter; you pay the bills but they handle all their own taxes, finances, and insurance. Brokering labor is best used when your company is experiencing an upswing that you suspect will be temporary therefore you don't want to hire direct labor only to lay them off in a few short weeks but your needs aren't specific enough for subcontractor.
This wraps up our series of posts about starting a construction business. Keep all of these processes and steps in mind and they will help you get your construction business off to a great start. One final word of advice is to not plan for too long or too thoroughly your business plan will almost always change as your business grows and adapts to the marketplace.
This wraps up our series of posts about starting a construction business. Keep all of these processes and steps in mind and they will help you get your construction business off to a great start. One final word of advice is to not plan for too long or too thoroughly your business plan will almost always change as your business grows and adapts to the marketplace.