Web Browser Add-Ons for the Struggling Economy
Make a Lifestyle Change
One way to fatten your wallet is to cut unnecessary items from your budget. Of course, each of us has our own definition of unnecessary. We can't do away with the things we enjoy altogether, no matter how weak the economy is. However, bad habits are always good to eliminate. A very common one is smoking, which can have all kinds of negative effects on your health and well-being.
It also happens to be very expensive! What better way to live longer and save money in the process than to quit smoking? Once you stop smoking, the cash you would normally spend on a pack of butts can stay in your pocket. Here in New York, some stores are now charging upwards of $10 per pack!
Quit Smoking With Your Browser's Help
Quitomzilla is an add-on which helps you quit smoking by telling you how many cigarettes you would have smoked as well as how much money you have saved since you gave up the habit. This information is displayed right in the corner of your browser window, so the running tally can motivate you while you browse the Web. To quit smoking is a tough task, as I can personally attest to, but Quitomzilla can help give you a fighting chance.
Another Bad Habit... Procrastination
"I'll do it tomorrow." "I'll get to it later." Every one of us has made these statements at one time or another. It is easy to procrastinate when it comes to things we may not necessarily want to do, such as work or household chores.
This same theory applies to our life online, where distractions are aplenty.
Why research that term paper when you could head on over to YouTube and catch the latest in viral videos? Because time is money, now more than ever. Countless times I have fired up my browser intending to accomplish something specific, only to look at the clock and realize that I had burned three hours and gotten absolutely nothing done. The big mystery in each of these episodes is where the time actually went. One way to avoid getting "lost in the Web" is to install the TimeTracker add-on, which provides a constant reminder of how long you've been using your browser. You will be amazed at what this handy little ticker can do for your psyche. Stop wasting time and be more productive today!