Technology Electronics

AT&T Voicemail Features

    Date and Time Playback

    • One of the common features available with AT&T voice mail is date and time playback. Voice mail users are able to set up the feature from their voice mail box. The feature is either turned on or off. This feature's settings are able to be modified at any time. When the feature is on, voice mail messages will announce what date and time they were left prior to being played. This takes the guesswork out of when messages might have been left in case the subscriber travels to an area where service coverage is spotty or his phone is temporarily turned off.


    • When a subscriber receives a message on AT&T's voice mail system, notification is sent to his or her phone. An icon appears on the phone and a message appears indicating the number of voice mails that are waiting. Notification occurs when the phone is turned on and has successfully registered on the carrier's network. Subscribers may also receive notification when the phone is in use or in standby mode. The notification feature may be delayed if the subscriber travels into an area where AT&T has a contract to allow its subscribers to roam free of charge on another carrier's network.


    • AT&T voice mail subscribers may receive numeric pages in lieu of a voice mail message. This is a feature that users are able to directly control in their settings. When numeric paging is activated, callers have the option to leave a recorded message or send their phone number directly to the subscriber's wireless phone. The numeric page appears on the subscriber's wireless phone as a text message and usually just contains the caller's phone number.

    Group Distribution

    • One of the features available with AT&T voice mail is group distribution. Users are able to create lists of other AT&T voice mail subscribers. When they wish to distribute one message to a number of individuals, subscribers are able to record one voice mail message and indicate that they want it sent to everyone on a certain list. The recording of the message is then delivered to each subscriber that is contained in the list.

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