Business & Finance Finance

Do You Agree With What Most Financial Advisors Say That They Really Want?

Over the course of this year I have talked with countless financial advisors and they all pretty much agree on what they want more of and less of; More appreciation More big picture vision More confidence More energy More high net worth clients More or better customer service and marketing systems - More profit - More profitable clients - More quality referrals - More recognition for their work - More team work - More time for planning - More time for themselves and their family Even though Financial Advisors say what they want, why are they unwilling to do what it takes to make the changes so that they can get what they want?

To be clear, most Financial Advisors are successful and are great at what they do. I am talking about getting better.

The number one thing that stops most Financial Advisors from taking action is Fear and through fear they are stuck in survival.

In their mind, they are just hanging on now.

They operate from the place of "if they were to make a change, what if it doesn't work?" Again, in their mind they are just hanging on now.

As you can see, we are talking about "limiting beliefs" that are preventing the advisor from making the change. At the same time, the limiting beliefs are associated to limiting emotions, in this case fear. If you have been reading my material, you will likely have read that limiting beliefs are linked to limiting emotions and these are linked to unmet needs. Limiting beliefs, limiting emotions and unmet needs all play off one another.

I have an expression, "You don't have "limiting beliefs, limiting emotions and unmet needs - they have you".

These limiting beliefs, limiting emotions and unmet needs all play into a story.

Are you being honest with yourself? What is the story that holds you back?

Limiting beliefs, limiting emotions and unmet needs all play into a story that you made up about yourself a long time ago.

Your destiny and your story will not change unless you do something about changing it. You've heard the expression, "for things to change then you must change".

You are struggling because you are hanging onto your story because in your mind, that is all you have. Who would you be without the story?

Your story isn't about growth. If it was, you would be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

Your story is about survival and maintaining the business, the spouse, the kids, the friends, the house, the wardrobe, the cars, the cottage, the boat, the timeshare, the two - three holidays a year, the golf membership, the personal trainer and your investments.

Your story is about survival.

Your "survival" story relates again to limiting beliefs, limiting emotions and unmet needs and here are some examples;

Unmet Need; Safety Limiting Beliefs; I don't have enough money. I don't have enough time. Limiting Emotion;

Limiting Beliefs; People don't appreciate what I do for them. If I make changes what will people think? - Limiting Emotion; Anxiety

With this survival story going on below the surface, and in order to not experience the above emotions, you keep working and working and working with these underlying issues believing that more work will solve your problems only to recreate more of the same experiences that you create time and time again.

The reason that this happens is coining a phrase from John Kehoe, "Thoughts are real forces". You continue to create whatever you believe.

Yes you are successful and you do achieve results. The question is, are you as successful as you really want to be? The question is are you truly fulfilled?

Even though you have the business, the spouse, the kids, the friends, the house, the wardrobe, the cars, the cottage, the boat, the timeshare, the two - three holidays a year, the golf membership, the personal trainer and your investments - do you truly feel fulfilled?

What is sad is -

With the unmet need of safety fueling the limiting beliefs of, "I don't have enough money" & "I don't have enough time", combined with the limiting emotion of fear combined with the lack of fulfillment from all the stuff that you bought to fill up the lack of fulfillment will all combine to keep you working and working and working. This is what is contributing to you not putting in place, the necessary pieces in your business to make you and your business more attractive and profitable.

With the unmet need of approval fueling the limiting beliefs of, "people don't appreciate what I do for them & If I make changes what will people think", combined with the limiting emotion of anxiety combined with the lack of fulfillment from all the stuff that you bought to fill up the lack of fulfillment will all combine to keep you working and working and working. This is what is contributing to you not putting in place, the necessary pieces in your business to make you and your business more attractive and profitable .

Could it be that you are still working to prove that you are good enough and that this is what recreates the incompleteness that you are experiencing in your business?

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