Multiplexes Lead To Growth In The Entertainment Sector
The entertainment industry has of late been growing in full swing. And within the sector, it is the multiplex business which is providing the fastest impetus. Multiplexes have mushroomed in every corner of the metropolitan cities as well as in large areas of the smaller cities. The non metros are however growing quickly, catching up with their big brothers. As a result, multiplexes are slowly but surely replacing the older Cineplexs given the distinct advantages that it offers to moviegoers and visitors.
Multiplexes are in fact seen as a place which provides wholesome entertainment to all for it has on offer something for all. The core concept behind its setting up is integrated entertainment. A few reasons for the growing popularity of multiplexes are listed below:
1.Variety of choice: the place is a complete entertainment provider for a family. Given the existence of more than one movie screens, a number of movies can be run within the same building in different auditoriums. Thus each member of a family can watch a different movie of his or her choice.
2.Comfort: multiplexes also offer a lot of comfort to the movie watching experience as the seats along with the auditorium is well equipped and highly comfort oriented. The presence of temperature controllers too increases the comfort levels of the movie audiences.
3.Food courts: multiplexes also more often than not have a food court which is hygienic and offers a variety of food cuisines. The quality too is well maintained.
4.Gaming zones: next are the super exciting gaming zones for kids. These zones set up in the multiplexes allow children to play various games such as battle tanks, bumpy cars, video games, carnival games, bowling and snooker.
5.Shopping: this is one thing that people of all ages indulge in. Multiplexes have a number of shops that offer various different products of almost all leading brands.
6.ATMs: they also have a number of ATMs of leading banks.
7.Parking space: parking of vehicles is one of the major deterrents that stop people from going out. However in case of multiplexes it is among the major attraction reasons. This is because it offers large parking space to vehicle owners relieving them of a lot of trouble and botheration.
Thus the aforementioned points provide the multiplexes with a clear cut advantage among people of all classes and economic status.
Multiplexes are in fact seen as a place which provides wholesome entertainment to all for it has on offer something for all. The core concept behind its setting up is integrated entertainment. A few reasons for the growing popularity of multiplexes are listed below:
1.Variety of choice: the place is a complete entertainment provider for a family. Given the existence of more than one movie screens, a number of movies can be run within the same building in different auditoriums. Thus each member of a family can watch a different movie of his or her choice.
2.Comfort: multiplexes also offer a lot of comfort to the movie watching experience as the seats along with the auditorium is well equipped and highly comfort oriented. The presence of temperature controllers too increases the comfort levels of the movie audiences.
3.Food courts: multiplexes also more often than not have a food court which is hygienic and offers a variety of food cuisines. The quality too is well maintained.
4.Gaming zones: next are the super exciting gaming zones for kids. These zones set up in the multiplexes allow children to play various games such as battle tanks, bumpy cars, video games, carnival games, bowling and snooker.
5.Shopping: this is one thing that people of all ages indulge in. Multiplexes have a number of shops that offer various different products of almost all leading brands.
6.ATMs: they also have a number of ATMs of leading banks.
7.Parking space: parking of vehicles is one of the major deterrents that stop people from going out. However in case of multiplexes it is among the major attraction reasons. This is because it offers large parking space to vehicle owners relieving them of a lot of trouble and botheration.
Thus the aforementioned points provide the multiplexes with a clear cut advantage among people of all classes and economic status.