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Know Your Personality With Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the science that imparts all the knowledge of life. It defines health and factors responsible for its maintenance and promotion. It also gives guidelines for prevention and treatment of diseases. Ayurveda advocates more preventive measures than curative ones with disciplines like daily regime, seasonal regime, yog, meditation, proper sleep and dietary patterns and Panchkarma.

The fundamental point of Ayurveda is that while everything is inter related, each part contributes its special quality. According to Ayurveda principles, no two persons are similar and it is necessary to know the body type i.e. Prakriti.

           Our nature is determined by the combination of body and mind types known as Prakriti. Prakriti means the unique physical and psychological nature displayed by us.

           It is determined at the point of conception and refers to the innermost nature of an individual.It is the unique blend of qualities that makes each of us, from the point of conception, completely unique.

 Knowing your Prakriti help you tailor a personal diet and lifestyle that maintains optimum health and peace of mind. Each person has a unique dosha combination with unique nutritional needs. They are considered simply as the inherent intelligence of the body, they are the invisible forces that orchestrate all the functions of the body, thus shaping how we look, how our metabolic processes function, how we respond to different surroundings, even how we think and feel.              

    There are 7 basic constitutions-Vata, Pitta,Kapha,Vata-pitta,Vata-kapha,Pitta-kapha and

Vata-pitta-kapha ( Balanced).

Vata is said to be cold, dry, rough, light, expansive, empty, subtle, moving, and changeable. In one person this Vata nature expresses itself as a tendency to dry skin & hair, cracking joints, and constipation; in another as thin or short stature; in yet another as empathy, creativity, and emotionality.

Similarly Pitta, whose qualities are hot, sharp, slightly oily, and penetrating, expresses in one person in the form of soft, warm, oily skin; in another person as a sharp intellect; in another as a drive for achievement, in yet another as voracious appetite and high metabolism (BMR).

The qualities of Kapha are described as heavy, cool, wet, stable, and retentive. So in various ways, this Dosha may manifest as clear, fairer & attractive skin, slow metabolism, or excellent memory and organizational skills, or a fully developed body, or as a calm and dignified demeanor.

          Tolerance to food, drinks, environment depends on type of constitution. By understanding the type of constitution of an individual, one can choose appropriate food,drinks and environment. Maintenance of health, prevention of disease, achieving longevity and treatment of disease depends on this fundamental theory of understanding human being. Every individual is unique and has different physical, physiological and psychological functions.

Generally the Ayurveda practitioner makes physical observations of the person (Color and Texture of skin & hair, bone structure, how the person moves, the manner and content of speech, etc.) and asks diagnostic questions about jobs and hobbies, mental and emotional tendencies, body functioning, dreams, etc. This is the most accurate way of determining Prakriti on a short-term basis.

At Shri Kaya kalp Ayurvedic Clinic and Ayurveda Training Institute, we analyse the prakriti for our patients so that they can get good and appropriate treatments.

At our Ayurveda School, various Ayurveda courses are conducted for healthy living and lifestyle management. People from all over the world enroll for these short term Ayurveda courses and get benefitted.

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