How to Do Japanese Bookbinding
Things You'll Need
1Organize your paper or pages how you want them to appear in the final book.
Use a ruler to mark where you need to punch holes in the paper. You want the holes to be at least 1/4 of an inch in from the edge of the paper.
Space the holes down the length of the page evenly. This will hold the pages more evenly and securely.
Place the binder clips on the edges of the pages so that they will be held securely. If the pages move around, they'll be uneven in your final book.
Punch the holes in all the pages using the awl.
Cut off a length of thread and thread it through the needle. Tie a knot in the other end.
Thread the needle and thread up through the third hole from the top. Go outside the edge of the paper and back up through the hole. There should now be a loop of thread around the edge of the pages.
Move to the second hole above the one you just threaded. Thread the needle down through the hole, around the edge of the paper and then back down through the second hole again. There will now be two loops around the edge of the paper.
Repeat step 8 for the first hole in the pages.
Thread the needle down through the second hole and up through the third. The needle and thread will now be in the hole you began in.
Go down through the last hole in the paper then up around the edge of the paper and back down the last hole.
Go back up through the third hole again and make a knot in the thread by knotting it around the thread that is already wrapped around the pages. Thread it back down through the hole.
Cut the thread off with scissors. Your pages are now bound off.