Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

How to Treat Someone Having an Asthma Attack

Most people try to be totally free of asthma signs or symptoms the majority of the time, most people can achieve this, provided they follow the right medical advice.
Asthma is one of the worst conditions anyone could ever have, it effects your number one tool that enable you to survive and that is your breathing.
Asthma attacks can happen at anytime due to a number of reasons, such as environmental conditions, stress and general asthma triggers.
You could be out with your friends when one of their children have an attack.
Are you aware of how to deal with these situations? If you are able to provide the right asthma treatment, it might possibly save someone's life.
Here are key points you should know.
The worst thing you could do is put someone on their back during an asthma attack.
You should always make the person feel as comfortable as possible when they are having an asthma attack.
Try calm the persons breathing down while they are having an asthma attack.
Most asthma patients know what they need to do to deal with an attack.
You should always take the time and ask them how they feel.
Ask if they have an inhaler on them and if they know where it is.
If they don't have an asthma inhaler on them, calm them down and ask if you should call anyone they know.
Most asthmatics will have an inhaler on them as well as a card on what you should do in case they have an attack.
An asthma attack can temporarily prevent the patient from being able to talk to you.
This is the primary reason why asthma cards are so important to carry around with you.
If there is such a card, just do as it says.
Aid them in using their inhaler.
An inhaler is designed to deliver the right specific dose of asthma medication.
These inhalers are created to help anyone feel better a lot faster.
Medication is so important during an asthma attack, if the patient doesn't have his or her inhaler available, most doctors say that it is OK to use someone else's inhaler or asthma medication.
You should always try your best to use the right medication Always wait a few minutes before you use the inhaler again.
Position the mouthpiece of the inhaler between the patient's lips.
You should have him or her breathe in when they are about to take in the medication.
Wait for several seconds before you deliver another puff.
Let the person tell you they need more medication.
A spacer helps the person take the medication in a different form.
This device will fit in between the asthma inhaler and the persons mouth.
If there is no spacer, then simply design your own one, take a magazine and roll it up.
You should never leave a person after giving them their medication, always sit with them and help them out.
Try notice if you see their breathing improve.
If it appears that they are not responding to the medication within ten minutes, call an ambulance.
While you await medical help, try give them some more medication.
The treatment will be there to help the person breathe better.
Stay as calm as possible.
If you stay calm then the person having the attack will remain calm.
If he panics, it will worsen the asthma attack and make it far more difficult for him to breathe.
Always make the person feel calm.
This is the most important aspect.
Learning these asthma treatment solutions concepts will let you deal more effectively with many emergency situations.

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