Technology Networking & Internet

How to Create Network Drives

    • 1). Click the "Start" button to open the Windows "Start" menu. Click "Computer" on the "Start" menu to view your computer's hard drives and removable storage devices.

    • 2). Select "Map Network Drive" from the top of the "Computer" Windows Explorer window. This opens the network drive mapper.

    • 3). Click the "Drive" drop-down menu and choose a letter to assign to the network drive. Assign any letter not already assigned to an existing drive on your computer. Click "Browse" to find the computer or folder on your network.

    • 4). Place a check mark next to "Reconnect At Logon" to connect to the network drive every time you start your computer and log on. Click "Finish" to map create the network drive. The network drive is now available like a physical hard drive as long as the computer hosting the drive is connected to the network.

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