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What a Full Moon in Scorpio Might Mean for You

The Scorpio full Moon, exact on Sunday, the 20th at 6:25 am EDT, is a powerfully psychic time. All that's churning below the radar comes to the surface. The vitality of Scorpio at 0 degrees, one usually controlled and compressed, is suddenly released! It's a lunar peak when buried emotions literally take on a life of their own. This sets the stage for extreme behavior, but also opens the door to healing at the deepest level.

The full Moon in sixth sensor Scorpio can re-align us to the essence of things. It's a hopeful Moon for those ready to face fears, and welcome big and total change.

This full Moon illuminates what lies in the subconscious -- motivations, desires, longings and aspirations. If they've been denied, these primal energies come out with a ferocious roar, and can be very disturbing. The wild force that's perceived as threatening holds a lot of our potential for creativity and personal power. This full Moon is an invitation to experience -- not control -- your own fathomless depths. And to live with more integrity, because you've dared to venture into your own darkness.

From out of the hidden dark, you get a glimpse of the soul's true face this full Moon. If you've been stagnating and lost, here's a chance to release what's dead, dying or diseased. In Scorpio, we turn the eye inward, grow surly or intense...the pressure builds, and we sense that something is really, really wrong. But there's also a knowing that the answer is not simple.

This kind of change happens at the soul level, the kind that comes from facing those core fears. The word sea-change comes to mind, since Scorpio's depths are oceanic. The risks of change are great, but so are the rewards. Considered the most potent of the year by many astrologers, it's a portal to a total life make-over.

There's always more vitality and potential ready to be drawn out from our cells and being. Scorpio's gift is eliminating what's grown mildewy, fetid, rank, etc, in our souls. The regeneration emerges once you've stripped down to the essence. It is coming home to your Self, and the integrity of your own psychic depths. As the inner swirl of dreams and messages evolves, so do we have to die to the old, and step into the new. As the follow-up to the new Moon in Aries, it can re-anchor your core truth, and what you value.

This full Moon at 0 degrees greets its polarity across the ecliptic with the Sun in Taurus. What emerges from the innermost is splayed against the backdrop of the current reality. The churning within taps into our basic instincts for survival (Scorpio), and living in harmony with our values (Taurus). Scorpio's intensity is life or death, and the path to new life often means a destruction of the old. At 0 degrees Taurus, there's a "back to the foundation" sense, which is paired with Scorpio's vision for the infinite realms. It's a chance to become grounded in what sustains a rich life, both spiritually (Scorpio) and physically (Taurus).

There's a grand trine in earth signs at the full Moon, adding to the review of things like structures, daily work routines, right livelihood, the natural environment, and the wise use of resources. All this points to aligning with the big issue of the day -- saving our earth home and ourselves. Yesterday, Mayan-Western astrologer Bob Makransky sent out a Magician's Creed, with an excerpt here: "The only chance for survival -– not to mention prosperity -– is for each individual to reject society's mutual suicide pact and make saving the earth and future generations their NUMBER 1 PRIORITY (as opposed to something they may get around to someday)." The full Moon in Scorpio lends the courage to look at the reality we're facing, face the anxiety and fears of impending doom, and find ways to be actively involved in the issue of collective survival.

The fixed focus of Scorpio can lead to commitment to your creativity, too. The rich interior realms of Scorpio become visible at this full Moon. It's a fruitful time for writers, artists and everyone that searches the imaginative landscape for raw material. There's also a yearning to dive into the truth of relationships, and share at a soul level. The intensity of the full Moon in this emotional, passionate sign can break apart what's grown repetitive or just wrong. What's dead can be revived, and what's serving no purpose can be let go.

The intensity of Scorpio lights a fire under the vast reservoir of knowing that we all carry around inside us. With earth signs to support us, the messages of the full Moon can find traction and guidance. The awesome power of Scorpio comes from the infinite, ancient, immense well it draws from. And this full Moon guides each of us to our own doorway to that primally-charged wellspring of power and potential. It inspires us to commit body and soul to our own personal dreams, as well as those we share together.

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