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1.    Satan does not Exist.

2.    God does not Exist.

3.    There is nothing called Sin.

4.    Nature is a result of Evolution.

5.    There is no Heaven.


    6.   There is no Hell.


1. Satan's two big lies are that neither God nor Satan exist.  Consider the titles he is given by The Bible: The Deceiver of the Nations,  the Prince & God of this world, Prince of the Power of the Air, The Ruler of the Darkness of this Present evil world. Don't blame God for the mess satan and fallen man have made of the world of men!

2. God is a Rewarder of them that seek Him DILIGENTLY (Look up at the Heavens and know that that great God is your Father and wants to be your Best friend. He expects you to use your time and efforts to meet and know Him similar to the way in which you try to acquire an education, job, etc.,). God sent His Son- The Lord Yoshua to DIE to bring LIFE to you. Yoshua is ALIVE from the dead to help you overcome Satan, the vanities of this world and the power of sin in your flesh and take you Home to Heaven above.


3. The idea of evolution is spreading like wildfire around the world, being taught in textbooks at school and university. It is sad that so many people believe that man is descended from the primates. The truth is that Man was created in the Image of God for fellowship with the Creator, the woman for companionship with her husband in a God-centred family. 

4. Sin is a potent force in the body of every human being. Every breach of the Law of God in the heart, mind and life is SIN. Jesus overcame the power of sin in His Body and His Blood has the power to help us overcome it in our life as well. The Lord Yoshua tasted death in His body so that we may live forever in a glorious body with God in Heaven.


5. There is a throne in Heaven. God is seated in Majesty upon it. God is building  a city with unshakeable foundations called New Jerusalem in Heaven, for you and me. Faith is one of the precious eternal substances used for this city- God's faith in you and your faith in Him. Yoshua- The King of Love is the Sun and Temple of this city. He wants to live in your heart- His temple, forever.

6. Hell is prepared for Satan and his angels/demons. Those who do the will of Satan in this life will follow him to this dreadful place of fire and eternal torment. Seek the face of the Omnipresent God and escape this place, also called the Lake of Fire. If you reject Yoshua the Anointed One, the Saviour of the World, be assured that that will be your biggest sin- turning down God's Help for You. 

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