Improvements in Loitering Single Mission UAVs
We are seeing some new trends in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs, in fact we are seeing hybrids of sorts.
Smart Bombs and Missiles which fly around all day and then select a target.
Sometimes wings which pop-put then fly to the target or some other models well the wings just fall off and the missile or bomb falls to shoots to the target.
Originally these technologies were secretive, but now they are in the open.
And if nothing more it puts the fear of Allah into our enemy indeed.
As the meeting appears to be pre-arranged if they are looking to die in battle, well the new battlespace is owned, bought and paid for compliments of the US Taxpayer and Uncle Sam's big stick.
One of these technology hybrids, which I do not think the project is classified although parts of it could be is the missile which shoots into the battlespace at high speed waits around all day, then selects and confirms a target and then takes out said target; Hardly a negotiating process, game over for the enemy, out of quarters.
If you would like to learn more then go to the DARPA website and read the AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory Annual report, which indeed makes mention of this technology.
You will also find reference to it in Aviation Leak and Spy Technology they had complete diagrams on the concept before anything was ever started and subsequent follow-ups recently.
Indeed also realize that with the new steerable mortar rounds and large shells using NLOS directional controls can do nearly the same thing.
The biggest issues is in the future with China taking out Satellites and such in case of a non-appeasement deal with their re-unification of Taiwan.
We know that their University level kids are good at math and are writing almost as many scientific papers as we are currently.
Even such we must realize that as they educate and if the leadership uses us as an enemy "evil" figure to build up their team, then we will continue to have their spies stealing our stuff here and then perfecting it there.
They are already working on Seismic Inducing Machines, Weather Modification, Mind Control and Biological weapons (even testing it on their own people in Eastern and South Eastern Provinces) that is to say the recent Bird Flu Vaccine.
What I am saying is we must continually innovate and understand that the future is moving faster than ever before and these UAV technologies are a major component in the net-centric battlespace of the future and our nation's security and future longevity as the leader of the free world depend on them.
Think on this.
Smart Bombs and Missiles which fly around all day and then select a target.
Sometimes wings which pop-put then fly to the target or some other models well the wings just fall off and the missile or bomb falls to shoots to the target.
Originally these technologies were secretive, but now they are in the open.
And if nothing more it puts the fear of Allah into our enemy indeed.
As the meeting appears to be pre-arranged if they are looking to die in battle, well the new battlespace is owned, bought and paid for compliments of the US Taxpayer and Uncle Sam's big stick.
One of these technology hybrids, which I do not think the project is classified although parts of it could be is the missile which shoots into the battlespace at high speed waits around all day, then selects and confirms a target and then takes out said target; Hardly a negotiating process, game over for the enemy, out of quarters.
If you would like to learn more then go to the DARPA website and read the AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory Annual report, which indeed makes mention of this technology.
You will also find reference to it in Aviation Leak and Spy Technology they had complete diagrams on the concept before anything was ever started and subsequent follow-ups recently.
Indeed also realize that with the new steerable mortar rounds and large shells using NLOS directional controls can do nearly the same thing.
The biggest issues is in the future with China taking out Satellites and such in case of a non-appeasement deal with their re-unification of Taiwan.
We know that their University level kids are good at math and are writing almost as many scientific papers as we are currently.
Even such we must realize that as they educate and if the leadership uses us as an enemy "evil" figure to build up their team, then we will continue to have their spies stealing our stuff here and then perfecting it there.
They are already working on Seismic Inducing Machines, Weather Modification, Mind Control and Biological weapons (even testing it on their own people in Eastern and South Eastern Provinces) that is to say the recent Bird Flu Vaccine.
What I am saying is we must continually innovate and understand that the future is moving faster than ever before and these UAV technologies are a major component in the net-centric battlespace of the future and our nation's security and future longevity as the leader of the free world depend on them.
Think on this.