Travel & Places Vacation Homes/Time-Shares

Here Are Some Disadvantages of Timeshare Vacation Packages

For those of us who like to plan our vacations hassle free, timeshare vacation packages can offer exactly that.
However, there is a large array of both advantages and disadvantages to choosing this package method.
Below I will list some of those that you should know about before you make a decision to buy anything.
The main disadvantage of purchasing a timeshare vacation package is that it never appreciates in value.
This means there's absolutely no investment avenue when you choose to adopt this method.
For the vast majority of people who decide to sell their property, they will find that they are only able to sell it at half the price they originally bought it for.
There are also maintenance fees that have to be covered when you consider a timeshare vacation package.
Typically, you will have to pay these maintenance fees annually and it'll cover the salary of the workers and the maintenances of the actual properties.
The down side to this is that these fees can accumulated to quite a large sum of money, for that reason, you might want to think about whether your money can be put to better use elsewhere.
Another major disadvantage of using these vacation packages is that you're limited in when you'd like to take your vacation.
Generally, whenever you purchase a timeshare you own the rights to that lodge for a specific period of time, whether it is a week or two from that year.
Should you be unable to get those pre-booked weeks off at work, you will be unable to use the lodge and must secure a vacation spot elsewhere.
Timeshare vacation packages also do not give the customer the ability to cancel his/her reservation after a 24 hour period has been passed.
You may have seen the many advertisements showcasing all their luxurious spots located all over the world, but the reality is that many of their properties could be under construction at any time.
For that reason I recommend you keep it local; unless you're a well experienced traveller.
These are just a few of many disadvantages attached to timeshare vacation packages.
Though timeshares do have their advantages, it's important that anyone who decides to travel using this method does their own personal research beforehand.
The reality is that many vacation clubs will be able to offer you more advantages.
This is especially the case if you intend on extending your travels to numerous locations.

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