Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

Multiple Streams of Income For Real Estate Investors

When you think of a successful real estate investor or expert you may see images of house flipping, foreclosures, lease purchasing or even rentals.
What most people don't realize is that actual investing in real estate is only a portion of a serious investor's business income.
All of the popular investors that you watch on TV or read about have mastered the concept of multiple streams of income circling around the real estate investing niche.
The most popular streams of revenue for investors other than turning properties are: 1.
Informational Product Sales and Development The well known investors can be seen on infomercials, teleseminars/webinars, and live real estate niche events.
Some are even book authors.
The key to their success is that they have figured out how to massage their real estate investing interests by finding ways to share their knowledge or experience with the public.
The investors study current markets, learn from their mistakes, and find a way to make investing profitable.
Once they experience a tactic or system that is successful they put the system together in a sellable package.
Products are usually sold online or at events.
Tip: Want to write a book in less than a month? Write a daily blog discussing different real estate investing tips.
At the end of the month compile everything together and turn it into a book or eBook.
Speaking One of the highest paying skills (in any niche) is being able to teach or inspire from the stage.
The high dollar amount paid for this skill makes since when you think of how many people are afraid to do it.
Real estate investors attend Toastmasters in order to master their speaking craft.
It you become a member or start your own local Real Estate Investor's Association then you will have the opportunity to speak on your area of expertise as well.
This will build your comfort level and do wonders for your closing abilities when speaking to groups of people as well as one on one.
Don't be afraid to contact Teleseminar hosts, online radio shows, or the local news channel for an interview.
This will give you some recognition as an expert as well as open many money making doors in the future.
Tip: Would you like to become an expert by association? Look into putting together one of your own Teleseminar events.
Hosting an event gives you access to successful investors that can speak to your list of contacts and most are willing to share 30 or more % of the profits if you allow them to sell their products.
We're living in the digital age and there are many ways to make money surrounding your real estate interest.
You no longer have to rely on the buying or selling of properties alone.
Practicing property turnover is still a big part of your business but your salary no longer has to rely on the current housing market alone.

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