Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

New Lasik Surgery Techniques

New lasik surgery is so much better than in the past and promises a greater range of correction options, better vision after the surgery and less complications and risks.
In the long run this means that more people can get rid of their contact lenses and glasses and will be able to experience the benefits of laser vision correction.
The current lasik procedures can correct problems of nearsightedness, far sightedness and astigmatisms, but have not been able to address problems with the thickness and shape of the cornea or severe vision problems and problems with night vision due to risky complications.
The side effects of the current lasik procedures include painful dry eyes, halo's and painful bursts of light and blurry vision.
New lasik procedures will allow an eye surgeon to scan the eye to determine the thickness and shape of the cornea more accurately prior to ever actually firing a laser.
This will give laser eye surgeons a much better initial evaluation of the problem that needs to be corrected, will help them determine better treatment options and will help to avoid unnecessary complications related to lasik surgey.
Clinical trials of the new lasik surgery procedures have shown patients returning to near perfect levels of vision within one month of having the eye surgery.
They were able to see more clearly and in more detail much sooner after their lasik surgery was completed.
In the past lasik patients would have to wait up to 6 months for their vision to be completely restored to normal.
This is a huge leap in recovery time and is a great benefit to those people contemplating lasik surgery.
With new lasik procedures the eye surgeon begins by taking a 'picture' of the patients cornea with lasik imaging software.
This is then run through recognition software to make a map of the persons eye, showing the thickness and shape of the eye in great detail.
These 'eye maps' allow lasik surgeons to make much more precise adjustments and also to plan in advance for possible complications from lasik surgery.
With the new lasik surgery techniques the eye surgeon can keep the natural shape of the cornea, remove less tissue and can even correct night vision problems.
New lasik techniques also leave the patient more comfortable since the laser bursts are much shorter, typically just 20 seconds, compared with the 60 second bursts that are needed now.
Less damaging, less painful and faster recovery are all benefits of new lasik surgery techniques.

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