It" s Ok To Say No To Some New Orthodontic Internet Marketing Tactics
As someone who enjoys reading and writing, I don't always identify with this "quick fix" mindset so common to the online audience. But as an online marketer, I've seen the effectiveness of concise communications, especially with Web 2.0 Internet marketing. Search engine results (SEO), Blogging, Video, Press Releases, article writing with "Read more" links-all of these things are important to the online experience and they all share the same common element; relaying information that users can either ignore, or choose to explore further.
Today's audience has grown accustomed to a world in which everything is faster, smaller, and to-the-point. What used to be a giant stack of CD cases is now contained in an iPod that fits in your pocket. A phone call to see how a friend is doing has become a 5-second check of their status on social media sites like Facebook. Kentucky Fried Chicken has become KFC, because who has time for 6 syllables when 3 will do just fine?
Can you adequately deliver your personalized orthodontic marketing message using all the social networks?
As you know, I am a BIG proponent of Internet marketing and social networking. When determining what social networks work best with your personalized Internet marketing campaign, it is important to consider the amount of time you will be spending promoting the marketing strategy vs your return on invested time and effort. Your valuable time and thought process is most valuable your Website,SEO. creating blog posts, writing an ezine articles like this one, and spending time learning what you need to know to market your practice correctly with Web 2.0 marketing tactics on the Internet...
As a professional practice, your #1 marketing goal on the Internet is page one...#1 organic page ranking on Google with your patient demographic keywords and then...making sure you keep it there.
Spend time implementing Internet marketing practices you know work and you can manage correctly on a daily basis. It's OK to say no to new Internet marketing tactics which eat up valuable time and effort with little noticable return on investment in new patient referrals.
As an SEO-coaching-serv ices website expert, Mary Kay Miller evaluates professional practice websites for their ability to attract new patients in their demographic on Google Local. Most doctors have no experience in Internet marketing; let alone how to correctly optimize a website with keyword specific coding. Most are missing out on a goldmine of new patient opportunities available on the Internet. Don't be fooled... just because your website was created by a professional website designer, doesn't mean it is keyword optimized correctly on the search engines.Armed with the latest SEO and Web 2.0 strategies.
Today's audience has grown accustomed to a world in which everything is faster, smaller, and to-the-point. What used to be a giant stack of CD cases is now contained in an iPod that fits in your pocket. A phone call to see how a friend is doing has become a 5-second check of their status on social media sites like Facebook. Kentucky Fried Chicken has become KFC, because who has time for 6 syllables when 3 will do just fine?
Can you adequately deliver your personalized orthodontic marketing message using all the social networks?
As you know, I am a BIG proponent of Internet marketing and social networking. When determining what social networks work best with your personalized Internet marketing campaign, it is important to consider the amount of time you will be spending promoting the marketing strategy vs your return on invested time and effort. Your valuable time and thought process is most valuable your Website,SEO. creating blog posts, writing an ezine articles like this one, and spending time learning what you need to know to market your practice correctly with Web 2.0 marketing tactics on the Internet...
As a professional practice, your #1 marketing goal on the Internet is page one...#1 organic page ranking on Google with your patient demographic keywords and then...making sure you keep it there.
Spend time implementing Internet marketing practices you know work and you can manage correctly on a daily basis. It's OK to say no to new Internet marketing tactics which eat up valuable time and effort with little noticable return on investment in new patient referrals.
As an SEO-coaching-serv ices website expert, Mary Kay Miller evaluates professional practice websites for their ability to attract new patients in their demographic on Google Local. Most doctors have no experience in Internet marketing; let alone how to correctly optimize a website with keyword specific coding. Most are missing out on a goldmine of new patient opportunities available on the Internet. Don't be fooled... just because your website was created by a professional website designer, doesn't mean it is keyword optimized correctly on the search engines.Armed with the latest SEO and Web 2.0 strategies.