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Sterility of science to prove God, man recoils on his own metaphysics

Sterility of science to prove God, man recoils on his own metaphysics

Ever since man's existence some 9-8 millions of years ago, a recent phenomenon in the age of our universe estimated between 13.3 and 20 billions of years, man is curious about explanations. He seeks explanations for his presence, the presence of the universe, his whereabouts of his coming, his life and death, and the nature of the universe in which he lives. This inborn curiosity has led to the knowledge of today.

Science offers tools to look into the universe and describe what it sees. But this does not represent complete knowledge. It is only part of the whole framework of our existence in the universe.

As if it were we are to live and search for our meaning. We search for a meaning for our existence and wonder about this vast endless universe. This confrontations is inevitable, We are obliged to confront with the universe being part of it. We face its mystery and face its beauty, its precise order and harmony. We are faced with millions of things that constitute our universe. We are equipped with the mind to think and have a specific span of life to live, wonder, discover and conclude.

Science ( from Latin scire refers to know) is a way of reasoning enabling us to think in a certain mathematical rational manner. It is mainly concerned with how things are and not with their ultimate questions such as the meaning of their presence, their origins and their finalities. Science remain at best short of explaining what is beyond its capacities. I

t is concerned with nature or the physical part of nature. It does not discuss what is nature or why is nature, but investigates in what already constitute nature. Physical phenomena becomes thus the main concern of science and scientific thinking. Being so we are bereft of understanding and explaining our origin, our purpose and our finality.

Science does not tell us how did we come about, why did we come about, what are we doing here and where are we going. It simply has no tools for these questions. It touches only on our physical being in this world and the physical being of our universe.

Science is concerned with what is and what can be proven experimentally. It believes in what it sees. But science with all its proclamations to reality and truth remain short of answering ultimate questions which underlie scientific knowledge itself.

Science deals with what can be proven only and rejects all other knowledge as conjectural thinking. Thus if a layman explains this universe and his own being by reference to an Almighty God, All Knowledgeable, science denies him the right to do so and call s his a liar. Poor layman he has no choice then but to reject God, should his convictions of God be feeble, and to resort to the god of science.

The shortcomings of science by believing in what it sees and its sterility to prove the non-existence of God and the metaphysical world, recoils man on his own convictions. Man is thus cornered by no choice of his own, and for lack of proof of science, to think for himself and make up his own convictions about a creator, a designer, an architect and a masterly powerful originator and controller of everything, the universe and man himself.

If Man did not make the universe and did not contribute to the creation of an amoeba then there ought to be someone who has done it.

Science remains silence about a creator-cause or a prime cause for its tools are limited and its outlook is limited to what science is. Science does not look beyond the physical part of existence and hence remains handicapped and blind to ultimate reality and ultimate truth. Unable to provide answers science satisfies itself with what it discovers.

Science cannot claim to any creation, not even the creation of a fly's wing. Science only discovers what is, what already is in existence and what already is provided. Science did not make stars and galaxies. It did not evolute life but discovers stars and galaxies, discovers the physical presence of objects.

In order to release ourselves from the clutches of the limitations of science we resort to our own thinking. Our own minds provide us with our personal systems of knowledge discovering. Our own mind enables us to think, observe, understand and conclude. Our own mind presents to us the whole framework of our existence as part of the universe.

We make up our own thoughts and should not let the shortcomings of science overtake our thoughts. Everyone is free, ad in this lies man's dignity and value, to think and conclude. We do not need a sterile handicapped tool for physical knowledge that explains only a small part of the how of knowledge.

Science remains at best short of providing us with satisfactory answers to our existence, its origin and purpose and the existence of the universe and our role in it. This personal thinking, this individual reflection and meditation is known as beyond-nature or metaphysical thinking.

Everyone is entitled to think as he sees fir and go beyond mechanical explanation of the rotation of earth around itself for example to seize the majestic idea of its presence, its form and shape, its structure and function, its origin and its movement, its products and life manifestations, in relation to all other stars and planets, its life systems and conditions, its movement and change. This the right of every one who has mind to think on its own and eyes to see.

Whether we conclude the existence of, an need for, an Almight God is left then entirely to us and not to science to decide. 

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