"Gay Day" or Mayday! at Six Flags?
Mayday or May day does not refer to the May 1st International Workers Day celebrated in Communist nations but to an international voice distress signal usually expressed as, "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!" indicating a dire emergency and a plea for immediate help.
"Gay Day" speaks for itself, or should.
Last month the Six Flags New England "amusement" park in Springfield, Massachusetts featured a "Gay Day," a Sunday no less, on which homosexuals were invited by management to come to the park en masse and to have a jolly, good time. Six Flags also offered bus rides from Boston or Providence RI, free parking, great discounts and, to show their progressive PC-ness, announced that "A portion of each ticket will benefit local GLBT charities."
(For those not versed in homosexual terminology, GLBT=Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgendered-and refers to the new dominant, politically potent minority in the United States.)
To publicize the event, Six Flags set up a booth at Boston's Gay Pride Parade in June and touted it in the Massachusetts' homosexual newspaper, Bay Windows, with full-page ads citing every gay's favorites such as "Kitty Litter and Sabrina Blaze" as well as, of course, "Jujubee" as featured entertainers: [http://tiny.cc/50mqb]
Nothing wrong with that. right? Jolly, good times are good, no? After all, Six Flags brought in those well-known, cross-dressing, homosexual entertainers to help make gays comfortable and happy, and comfy and happy are always good things, no?
Well, no, since the whole Sodomites in Springfield Day Fest wasn't quite good, true, and beautiful according to traditional, normal standards.
For one thing, Six Flags New England and/or the bigwigs at Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, (based in Dallas an N.Y.C., NYSE symbol "Six,") may have had an attack of discretion when it was decided to unofficially close the Springfield park to outsiders on Gay Day but that hardly made the situation "good."
They announced that the event would be open to "the Gay and Lesbian Community as well as friends, family and supporters," though they also said, "All are welcome to attend." Expressed in non-politically correct language, Six Flags virtually said, "Ok, we know how normal families would react to this debacle and to how gays carry on so normals would be well advised to stay home on September 19th and seek other amusement."
One writer for the aforementioned paper, Bay Windows, attended Six Flags' Gay Day and may have let slip something homosexuals vehemently, publicly deny, that they want recruits, children and teens.
"Imagine my surprise," wrote Jeff Epperly, "when it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable LGBT events I've attended in a very long while. Perhaps it's because I've grown fond of events where all of us- bears, butch and femme lesbians, twinks, gym bunnies, transgender folk, people of color, straight people-manage to gather in large numbers and have fun in spite of our differences."
I have no clue as to what some of those terms mean but I'm sure they're important distinctions to homosexuals. I'm also ambivalent on what gays consider "fun."
Epperly then waxed semi-philosophical and gave himself away: "Something struck me as remarkable: the presence of so many children who seemed so happy to be surrounded by so many LGBT adults who not only seemed quite adept at having fun themselves in large numbers (without a police officer or drunken fistfight in sight), but who also seemed so ready to shower on kids the kind of attention that makes kids feel special in ways that kids need to feel as much as possible.
"Everywhere you looked there was some LGBT adult interacting with children in the most harmless and loving ways you can imagine: taking them on rides, buying them treats, taking a real and completely innocent interest in them and whether they were having enough fun:" [http://tiny.cc/1kb2q]
It's classic: Kids surrounded by lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals, transgenders. Adults stalking children. No cops in sight. LGBT-ers "taking them on rides, buying them treats, taking a real and completely innocent interest in them," "harmless and loving." Get kids when there are bunches available with no law enforcement around, entertain them and shower them with attention and treats, make them feel special and make sure they have fun.
Either Epperly is a total gay dolt or that's all a coded message to his fellow homosexuals advising them not to miss the next Six Flags' Gay Day. It's a day for ripe pickings of kids and teens and Epperly clearly outlines the seduction scenarios and the methods and techniques for gay pedophiles to follow
Way to go, Six Flags! Any of you corporate types have a conscience? Any of you straight? Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
"Gay Day" speaks for itself, or should.
Last month the Six Flags New England "amusement" park in Springfield, Massachusetts featured a "Gay Day," a Sunday no less, on which homosexuals were invited by management to come to the park en masse and to have a jolly, good time. Six Flags also offered bus rides from Boston or Providence RI, free parking, great discounts and, to show their progressive PC-ness, announced that "A portion of each ticket will benefit local GLBT charities."
(For those not versed in homosexual terminology, GLBT=Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgendered-and refers to the new dominant, politically potent minority in the United States.)
To publicize the event, Six Flags set up a booth at Boston's Gay Pride Parade in June and touted it in the Massachusetts' homosexual newspaper, Bay Windows, with full-page ads citing every gay's favorites such as "Kitty Litter and Sabrina Blaze" as well as, of course, "Jujubee" as featured entertainers: [http://tiny.cc/50mqb]
Nothing wrong with that. right? Jolly, good times are good, no? After all, Six Flags brought in those well-known, cross-dressing, homosexual entertainers to help make gays comfortable and happy, and comfy and happy are always good things, no?
Well, no, since the whole Sodomites in Springfield Day Fest wasn't quite good, true, and beautiful according to traditional, normal standards.
For one thing, Six Flags New England and/or the bigwigs at Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, (based in Dallas an N.Y.C., NYSE symbol "Six,") may have had an attack of discretion when it was decided to unofficially close the Springfield park to outsiders on Gay Day but that hardly made the situation "good."
They announced that the event would be open to "the Gay and Lesbian Community as well as friends, family and supporters," though they also said, "All are welcome to attend." Expressed in non-politically correct language, Six Flags virtually said, "Ok, we know how normal families would react to this debacle and to how gays carry on so normals would be well advised to stay home on September 19th and seek other amusement."
One writer for the aforementioned paper, Bay Windows, attended Six Flags' Gay Day and may have let slip something homosexuals vehemently, publicly deny, that they want recruits, children and teens.
"Imagine my surprise," wrote Jeff Epperly, "when it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable LGBT events I've attended in a very long while. Perhaps it's because I've grown fond of events where all of us- bears, butch and femme lesbians, twinks, gym bunnies, transgender folk, people of color, straight people-manage to gather in large numbers and have fun in spite of our differences."
I have no clue as to what some of those terms mean but I'm sure they're important distinctions to homosexuals. I'm also ambivalent on what gays consider "fun."
Epperly then waxed semi-philosophical and gave himself away: "Something struck me as remarkable: the presence of so many children who seemed so happy to be surrounded by so many LGBT adults who not only seemed quite adept at having fun themselves in large numbers (without a police officer or drunken fistfight in sight), but who also seemed so ready to shower on kids the kind of attention that makes kids feel special in ways that kids need to feel as much as possible.
"Everywhere you looked there was some LGBT adult interacting with children in the most harmless and loving ways you can imagine: taking them on rides, buying them treats, taking a real and completely innocent interest in them and whether they were having enough fun:" [http://tiny.cc/1kb2q]
It's classic: Kids surrounded by lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals, transgenders. Adults stalking children. No cops in sight. LGBT-ers "taking them on rides, buying them treats, taking a real and completely innocent interest in them," "harmless and loving." Get kids when there are bunches available with no law enforcement around, entertain them and shower them with attention and treats, make them feel special and make sure they have fun.
Either Epperly is a total gay dolt or that's all a coded message to his fellow homosexuals advising them not to miss the next Six Flags' Gay Day. It's a day for ripe pickings of kids and teens and Epperly clearly outlines the seduction scenarios and the methods and techniques for gay pedophiles to follow
Way to go, Six Flags! Any of you corporate types have a conscience? Any of you straight? Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!