Technology Software

Video: How to Create Cracks on Walls on Photoshop

Video Transcript

My name is Aaron Kromann and I'm going to show you how to put a crack in a wall. Okay, so I have a layer with a gray background, just kind of a plain wall to put something down on and I'm going to put it all the way to the top, there we go and so I'm going to make a new layer and I'm going to make it black with a brush. I'm going to use a number 9 hard round brush and I'm using a tablet so I can use the line variation so I can vary the width of the lines. I'm going to make a crack down the wall, different thicknesses and just kind of have it spider webbing, just cracking off little pieces and whatnot. So, have these microscopic cracks. You don't need to do too much to overdo it but it's fun. Using a tablet kind of helps with making the variable lines for a crack. It also kind of helps with variations in color as well. Try it out, you might like it. Okay so now that we have this taken care of, let's make it look like a real crack rather than just kind of a black line on a wall. So for that I'm going to go to the FX and blending options and I'm going to put it over here so you can see it and I'm going to put a little bit of inner glow and that's obviously way too much and way too yellow. So we want to make it white and I'm going to knock it down a little so just a little bit, let me see make it about normal. Okay then now we're going to turn on the bevel and emboss. For this, we can hit control or how it's, or the light and shadow and everything, we want to go down, there we go, so now it's kind of 3-D, a nice 3-D effect. Add a little satin, maybe make it a little normal and adjust it as needed. Whoa, it's on resolve and you can adjust it. It doesn't do too much but you can see a little bit of something happening. It adds that extra little small bit and everything looks good and you can even add a little anti-aliasing and all this stuff. But there you go, little small cracks and nice big cracks, all showing a little bit of damage done to that wall. My name is Aaron Kromann. Good luck with your art.

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