Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

A Violin Lessons DVD - The Secret to Using it Correctly

Hello today I will show you how to use a violin lessons DVD.
By the end of this lesson you will have learned how to make maximum use of your DVD program.
To make the most use of a violin lessons DVD there are three things that you must always remember: First, it is very important that you only do one lesson at a time.
Because the DVD is new you will be very tempted to go through the entire program all at once, playing all the bits that you find easy and skipping the parts that you find difficult.
Do not do this.
Take one lesson at a time and master it completely, take as long as you need.
Trust me doing this will actually save you time in the long run.
Second, you must practice alone and without any distractions.
Turn off your phone and find a quiet place where no one will disturb you for the duration of your practice.
Three, be disciplined.
The most difficult thing about learning violin from a violin lessons DVD is that you will be using it in your home.
This means that you must be extremely disciplined because there are many things that can distract you when you are at home.
The best thing that you can do is to block off time, say two hours a day six days a week.
Dedicate yourself to doing nothing by practicing violin during this time.
I promise that if you are disciplined enough to do this you will see a rapid improvement in your playing.
Remember you if you are undisciplined when you use a violin lessons DVD you will be wasting your time and money and will have no one to blame but yourself for your poor playing.

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