Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Psoriasis: Lose It Completely, Don"t Just Scratch the Surface of This Problem!

Why is Psoriasis now such a major problem? There seems to be a growing number of people suffering from this irritating life disrupting disease.
Psoriasis is NOT a skin disease.
It's an immune system disease, so let me see if I can throw a little light on the subject.
Some years back I was studying the cause and background to Psoriasis when I came across a very old report that related to the settlement of the Aborigine people of Australia, it stated that the Aborigine were a very healthy strong people and would make an excellent labour force, one problem was that they would go walkabout for weeks just living off the land.
The suggestion was to keep them in settlements.
A follow up to this report stated that now they were in settlements the new landowners had supplied them with a shops, this would allow the landowners to keep them in place, provide all of their food and indeed make a further profit from the new tenant workforce.
One downside was noted, after six months the Aborigines were complaining of, and I quote: "Gut problems, headaches and strange skin rashes that they had never had before".
So what had happened? Well the food was mostly tinned and barrelled product, and or badly preserved produce that relied on bulk rather than nutrition.
Do you see a pattern emerging? I did! When the Aborigines previously went walkabout, thousands of years of experience had shown them what to eat, where to find it and also how much to take and what to leave for the next generation of plant, insect and meat produce to be able to reproduce for the next season.
They had the true balance of man and nature.
So can you eat your way out of this problem? Well in a way yes!I am sure you have heard of "we are what we eat", think about that for a moment!Your body is a highly tuned machine, designed way beyond the capabilities of man, in fact you should marvel at this wonderful creation that is YOU! Now this machine relies entirely on the food you eat to function, so if your diet does not contain everything the body needs it will go into survival mode and look after all the vital organs first, secondary organs next and so on, when the body has used all of the good stuff from your diet it may decide there is nothing left to help you with some minor things, so sorry mate you will have to have a rash! Can you see the logic behind this? I am not saying that you need to become a hippy and eat lentils all day, more that you need to become aware of what you are actually eating! What the Doctor knows: When I first started my research on Psoriasis I spoke with a very eminent doctor (name can be supplied) who told me that during all his years of training only 5% of that training involved nutrition even though this was the only way the body could take in all the fuel it needed to function and boost the immune system, this percentage of training still remains about the same today (2010).
Don't you think they are all missing something a little fundamental here? Stress the modern day dilemma.
Why does your Psoriasis become worse when you are stressed? The very simple answer to that is: Adrenaline! The body is designed to help you in a fight or flight scenario by producing adrenaline, this was mostly needed when man used to battle with man in times of evolution.
Adrenaline is produced instantly from the body but only at the expense of massive amounts of nutrition, but what does that matter if you might get killed without it! You may have experienced an adrenaline rush yourself at some point, if not try bungee jumping, that will do it! The same thing has happened when people say after a car crash "everything seemed to slow down, it was like slow motion".
No, No, adrenaline gave them a rush and speeded up the thought process, desperately trying to buy them a second or two to react.
So how did that lady manage to lift up the back of a truck to get her trapped baby out from under it? Yeah you got it! When you get under stress your body produces small amounts of adrenaline, a bit like a drip feed, now you may not be in a position to fight with the cause of your stress or run away from it so you end up in a cycle that you can't break.
Your body needs plenty of the good stuff from your diet to produce adrenaline so sorry mate, you just get a bigger rash! So what can you do? Well you can start with your diet, start eating more of the good stuff, and remember that's how we all got here in the first place.
Try to address any stressful situation, face up to it, accept it or walk away from it.
So lets fight this problem from the inside as well as the outside, remember Psoriasis is NOT a skin disease.
It's an immune system disease.
And when you learn how to help boost your immunity you'll not only be symptom free but Psoriasis free as well! To your success!

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